chapter 2 | a step closer

Start from the beginning

"so.. do you have a boyfriend?," he suddenly asks. you take a while, excusing yourself with another sip or your drink before clearing your throat. you shake your head as he observes you. he nods his head, almost as if he was glad to hear your answer. "anyone in mind?" you look over to him, handing him the drink. he smiles, taking a sip again.

"well.. i haven't really thought of having a boyfriend for a while. sure. i've dated before but nothing too serious. my job keeps me busy so i don't really feel too lonely." you said honestly. you had owned a two bedroom home since you had the money to. you've saved up over these past few years and plus, you wanted a spare room for when your friends or parents are over. but with such a big space by yourself, sometimes it does get a little lonely. but most of the time, you didn't have time to spare thinking about how lonely or sad you were. you were well satisfied with your job and the benefits that came along with it.

"and you don't plan on getting one?" you looked up at him. you were wondering why he was asking so many questions when he hands you back your drink. you stop in your footsteps as you were almost at your house.

"unless i find a guy back at your company or someone who has the same schedule as me, i can't. it wouldn't be fair to them.", you said, continuing to walk again. it was sad but true. the things you have to sacrifice when it comes to working this job. you swore you saw a little smirk rise up to his mouth for a bit but you chose to ignore it. you would only get ahead of yourself by assuming things. "well.. here's my house." you said, looking up at your home.

"do you live with your parents?"

"huh? no.", you watch as he takes in the view. "oh. i know. i live by myself in this big home. crazy, right?" you said, chuckling but it came out so pitifully.

"i think it's cool that you can afford such a nice place in general." he says, making you smile.

"thanks..", you unlock your gate. looking around to make sure there was no one around to take any pictures of him, you glance over to him again. "uh.. i just need to get dressed but do you want to come in? i can give you a ride to the company again." you just didn't want to risk him being mobbed since so many people were out in the park already.

"you'd do that for me?"

"well, of course. your safety comes first," you stated. he smiles and nods so you move away and open the gate for him. he follows after you as you open the door to your house. "umm.. this is my house." you said awkwardly. you were barely in the house all the time due to your hectic schedule so you didn't even have the time to dirty your house.

"i've noticed before but you have very nice taste in things." you blush at his words before grabbing a cup from the cupboard.

"thanks. tea or coffee?" you said, looking over the counter.

"um. i'm good-"

"i can make it to-go." you offered again. he smiles as he thinks about it.

"coffee then. thanks."

"of course," you heard footsteps walking towards you so you look over your shoulder. "changkyun-ssi. which flavor do you like? i've got vanilla latte, roast hazelnut, mocha latte, caramel latte, or just straight up origina-" you turn around, almost bumping into him. "sorry!" you said, even though you were the one more shocked.

"no. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to scare you. i'll take the mocha latte." you nod your head, trying to even out your breath first. you place the package in your coffee machine. waiting for it to make the coffee, you place the coffee cup you had bought at the cafe nearby.


"yes?" you look over to him, hearing the warm coffee drip down into the cup.

"have you ever thought of dating an idol?" you look up at him suspiciously.

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