Chapter 5

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*JD's POV*

I walk into Louis and I's room, and close the door behind me. That was really weird. We were all fine one second, and then... I don't even know what happened. I shake my head. I don't really want to think about it, I'm probably over reacting. It was nothing.

I dig through my suitcase, trying to find my swimsuit. I finally find it. It's a bikini, white with blue stripes. I quickly strip and change into it, then quietly walk out the door. I'm about to walk into the living room, but I hear the boys talking quietly, and decide to eavesdrop, because I'm such a good, honest person.

I hear Louis' voice: "I don't know... I guess I just got my hopes up... I have to stop doing that, 'cause I always end up being let down." he says. Awww! I wonder what's bothering him. And why has he not talked to me about it? I thought we told eachother everything? I figure he'll tell me soon, when he's ready.

I keep listening. I hear Liam's voice this time: "Don't worry mate, I'm sure she likes you!" he says. Ooooh! So Louis' got a crush eh? I WILL find out who this girl is! And how dare she get his hopes up and let him down! I need to talk to this chick!

"Liam, no. She has a b-" Louis starts but I cut him off as I skip into the living room. "Sounds like my Boo's got a crush, huh?" I tease, winking at him. His cheeks go a deep scarlet, and his eyes look panicked. 

"You were listening?! How much did you hear?" he asks frantically. "Enough to know that whoever this girl is, she's stupid for not liking you." I say plopping down on his lap, and pinching his cheeks. He looks relieved for a second, but then his expression goes back to normal.

"Yeah well..." he says, shrugging. "Awww Lou.. you know I'm always here for you. You need to introduce me to this girl! I'll talk you up, and she'll HAVE to love you!" I laugh. Louis smiles a little, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "Pretty sure that's not going to work." he laughs humorlessly.

"Don't be such a downer!" I laugh. "Let's go swimming! Forget about her for now! We need some bestie time!!" I laugh, giving him a squeeze, and jumping up off his lap. I turn around to face the other boys. "Get your trunks on boys!" I tell them, shooing them out of the room.

I turn back around to face Louis. He's grinning at me. "What are you smiling about Tomlinson?" I ask him, putting my hands on my hips. "Nothing... just... you look hot in that bathing suit." He says smirking, then gets up, and walks down the hall into our room, leaving me shocked, and open mouthed.

I feel heat rise to my face as my cheeks turn bright red, and I find myself smiling, and my heart fluttering... I sigh blissfully..... wait what? sighing blissfully? heart fluttering? What the hell has gotten into me?!

I run my hands over my face. I really need to get some fresh air. I step out onto back deck, feeling the cool breeze on my face. I rest my arms on the ledge, staring out at nothing in particular.

All these thoughts are racing through my mind and i don't know what to make of them. I love Dylan, of course I do, but the way Louis makes me feel is just.... different.... new... and I like it.

I shake my head. NO! He's my best friend, Dylan is my boyfriend, and anyways, Louis has a crush on a different girl, and it sounds like he really likes her. I seriously need to stop thinking this way.

Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands grab onto my waist from behind, and the next thing I know, I'm being slung over Louis' shoulder and carried down towards the pool deck. "Louis!!" I giggle in surprise.

 "Hold your breath babe." he tells me, and I can hear the smirk in his voice. "What Louis, what are you-" I start, but am cut off, as I realize too late what he's doing. 

He picks me up and throws me into the swimming pool. I emerge from the water, coughing and spluttering. Then my glare turns to Louis.

"You. Are. Going. To. Pay for that!" I say through clenched teeth. His eyes widen, as he lets out a nervous laugh.

I smile devilishly, and bat my eyebrows. "C'mere Looooouis" I call, drawing out his name teasingly. I tread over to the edge of the pool, where he backs away to where I can't reach him. I stick out my bottom lip poutingly. "C'mon Boo!" I whine. "I don't wanna swim alone!"

He sighs, and takes a step closer. "Please don't hurt me." he says in a quiet voice. I can't help but burst out laughing. "Just get in loser!" I laugh, grabbing his leg, and pulling him, so he falls into the pool, letting out a yelp.

He emerges from the water, his eyes wide. "Did you really just..." he says, narrowing his eyes, and swiming towards me. I laugh nervously. "What no... uh.... It was an accident?" I try.

"Oh, I don't think so." he says with a smirk, as he keeps swimming towards me, and I keep backing away until he's got me cornered, up against the wall."Uhm.... Please don't hurt me?" I squeak, repeating what he had just said earlier. 

He throws his head back as his beautiful laugh rings through the air..... Wait... did I really just... beautiful laugh rings through the air? That was extremely cheesy.

He swims a little closer, so that our faces are inches apart, making my breathing quicken. "Don't think I'm going to let off that easy Jade." he smirks, using my old nickname. He's called me that so many times before, but this time, when he says it, it makes me feel something a little different.

I stare into his shining blue eyes, and they're staring straight into mine. Suddenly, the smirk is wiped right off Louis' face, and he has this intense look in his eyes that I can't read. I really wish I knew what he was thinking.

I'm just now noticing the closeness between us, that how if he moved just an inch, our noses would be touching.... which would be kind of nice actually. Not even thinking, and going out on a whim, I lean my face forward just a little bit, and brush my nose against his.

His eyes slowly close, as he swims just a little bit closer, wrapping his arms around my waist. I feel a blush rise to my face as my thoughts start racing. What am I doing? I should really pull away, but this feels so right in an extremely wrong sort of way... if that makes sense..... Heck, nothing makes sense right now! So, I just decide to go with my emotions, and stay there in his arms.

I suddenly hear a wolf whistle from behind us. My eyes widen and I pull away quickly, and turn around, where the other four boys are standing on the pool deck, smirking.

"Gettin a litte cozy there, eh?" Zayn says. My cheeks blush even darker. "Oh shut up guys." I grumble.

I swim far away from Louis, but my heartbeat is still racing, and I feel this strange need to be in his arms again. Oh dear lord, what have I gotten myself into?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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