Chapter 4

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I slowly blink my eyes open, and see the sunlight filtering in through the window. I'm still attatched to Louis, who is sound asleep. I study his perfect features; his feathery hair, his thin dark eyebrows, his flawless skin.

His eyelids flutter, and then open, and I stare into his sea blue eyes. "Hey," he whispers. "Hey," I say, smiling at him. "How'd you sleep?" I ask him. "Great, you?" he asks me. "Yeah, I slept pretty well" I respond.

I detatch myself from him, and sit up, instantly feeling cold from the release of his touch. I shiver slightly, but then feel his arms wrap around my waist, and I shiver again, this time not from cold.

I turn my head to look at him. "What are you doing?" I laugh. He blushes, and unwraps his arms from my waist. "Uhh... sorry..  you looked cold.. and... yeah.. sorry." He stutters. "No, it's fine, and yeah, I was cold." I say, taking his arms and wrapping them back around me.

"Oh.. uh..ok" he says nervously. I laugh. "You're acting so nervous Lou, why? Do I make you nervous?" I joke, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"What?! No!" he says, a little too quickly. "Well good," I laugh. "I want you to feel comfortable around me, you know I would never judge you Lou." I tell him.

"Yeah, I know."  he says. I turn around to face him. "Good,now give me a hug you weirdo, I missed you so much!" I say, wrapping my arms around him, and burying my head in his shoulder.

Just then, our door burst opens, "Hey guys it's- WOAH THERE! WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" I hear a voice saying. I let go of Louis and whip around. It's Harry, standing in our doorway. "Ever heard of knocking mate?" Louis says annoyedly.

"Why yes, I have, but I don't believe in knocking. And anyways, it looks like it was getting intense up in here! anything you kids need to tell me?" Harry asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Calm yourself Harry! I was giving him a hug! Friends give eachother hugs!" I exclaim, a blush rising to my cheeks. "Whatever makes you feel better JD, whatever makes you feel better." He says, winking.

"What do you want Harry?" Louis groans. "Oh, right, I was coming in to tell you that the rest of the lads are here, so wake your arses up! But, I guess you were already awake, weren't you?" he says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Just leave, we'll be out in a minute." I say, rolling my eyes. "Fine, I can tell I'm not wanted here." He says, putting on a fake-hurt expression. "What gave you the hint?" Louis says sarcastically.

Harry puts a hand to his heart. "Ouch!" he says, in mock hurt, turning around to leave, but just before he closes the door, he looks over his shoulder, "Now you kids behave yourselves." he says, then shuts the door.

Louis rolls his eyes. "Ok, we should probably get up now." I laugh. "Yeah, I guess so" He says, getting up out of bed. As the covers fall off him, I see his toned, defined abs. Oh my gosh, that is so hot. Wait.... what? No! I don't think that about my best friend!!

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." Louis says smirking. I realize I've been staring at his abs for a while now. I blush. "What are you talking about?" I say, turning away, so he can't see my red cheeks.

"Come on babe, we all know you want some of this" he says, pointing to his abs. I gasp and raise my eyebrows. "Louis. William. TOMLINSON!" I exclaim, grabbing a pillow and whacking with it.  He just laughs. "Relax I was kidding I was kidding!!" he says. I cross my arms, and turn away from him.

He laughs at me, then grabs a shirt from his closet and slips it over his head. "Come on, we best be going out there before Harry bursts in again and manages to find something else to accuse us of." he says, grabbing my hand. For some reason, the gesture of him taking my hand makes my heartbeat speed up.

"Yeah," I say smiling. "Let's go." I get up off the bed and we walk out the door. We walk into the living room where the boys are just sitting and talking. Zayn is the first one to notice us. "You're finally up!!" he exclaims. The rest of the boys heads turn towards us.

"Awww look! they're holding hands!" Liam exclaims, and Niall starts making kissy noises. I quickly drop Louis' hand, and heat rises to my face. "You guys, stop! We're best friends! And besides! I have a boyfriend!" I tell them.

They all go quiet and look over at Louis. "You do?" asks Liam, sounding surprised. "Yes, I do! Is that really so surprising? ouch!" I say jokingly, but none of the boys laugh. They're all looking at Louis, as if waiting for him to do something. They almost looks sympathetic. But why would they be sympathetic of Louis? Did I miss something? I look over at Louis, but his facial expression is blank.

"Why are you guys so quiet, did I say something? or...." I say, breaking the silence. Louis clears his throat. "uhh, no... everything's good... so you guys up for swimming?" He says, changing the subject.

 "oh yeah yeah... sure" the boys all chorus, breaking the awkward silence. Well, that was a bit weird. "Ok well I'm going to go get changed into my suit then." I say, walking back towards Louis and I's room.

*Louis' POV*

I watch JD walk back towards our room. As soon as I hear the door close, I turn back to face the boys. They are all looking at me with sympathy. I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair, and sit down on the arm of the couch next to Niall.

We all sit there silently for awhile, but then Liam breaks the silence. "Did you know?" he asks. I sigh. "Yeah, I found out last night... he called her on the phone." I reply dejectedly.

"I'm really sorry Lou..." Harry says, coming over and putting an arm around my shoulder. "Really it's okay.. I mean, what did I expect? She would never want me anyways... she thinks of me as a best friend, and that's all she'll ever think of me as. I was stupid to hope for anything else.."

I don't even know what I was thinking. This isn't a fairytale. I wish I would've never started having feelings for her, but I couldn't help it. She's just so beautiful, and perfect, and has the best personality. She's funny, and she can be so compassionate and caring.. how could you expect me not to have feelings for her?

It started right before I left for the X Factor. She was the only one besides my family that was 100% supportive in everything I did. She was always there for me no matter what, and called me on the phone and visited whenever she could. She was the only one that hadn't accused me of changing, and the only one that hadn't acted even slightly different around me.

Sure, I've had a couple short-term girlfriends in the past two years, but they never lasted long, because no matter how hard I've tried to forget about them, the feelings I have for her never left...


Next chapter is the swimming scene *oooh*

LOL well please comment and tell me how you like it!

If it sucks seriously tell me I don't wanna be writing something that sucks and not realize how much it sucks lol. but srsly tell me ur honest opinions!! <3 LOVE YOU GUYS

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