Real Life

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When Hope opens the door Josie is sitting on her bed tinkering with her Ukulele humming along. Hope realized Josie hasn't noticed her so she just stays quiet. She's always loved seeing Josie in her element. Seeing her so passionate is One of the things Hope loves about her. If it's not obvious yet, Hope is in love with Josie. It's not just because she's beautiful on the outside, but because her inner beauty matches that outer beauty.

"I like that song, what is it?"

Josie jumps a bit, startled by Hope.

"God Hope you scared me, how long have you been standing there?"

"Not long, you didn't answer my question though, is that the song you've been working on?"

"Umm, yeah it is."

"It's really nice Jo"

"Thanks Hopey"

"One, don't call me that and two we should probably get going. Where's Lizzie?"

"She left like ten minutes ago with MG."

"oh okay, well then shall we?" Hope says holding out her hand for Josie

"Yeah, let's go"

They walk to the party hand in hand and see Lizzie and MG with the rest of their friends.

"What's up guys" Hope says




"what's up"

"took you long enough" They all collectively reply

"Stop being so dramatic sis"

"You're one to talk Ms. 'I'd happily simp for Hope anyday'. Pot calling the kettle black much."

"First off, I wasn't being dramatic I was being truthful, secondly you can't blame me I mean look at her and lastly I need a drink."

"Grab me one Jo?"

"Sure Hope, I'll be right back guys"

"Hope can I talk to you... alone?" Lizzie asks


Hope and Lizzie walk off to the side, Far enough away that no one can eavesdrop on their conversation.

"What'd you want to talk about?"

"When are you going to tell her?"

"Tell who what?"

"Don't play dumb Hope you know what I'm talking about. When are you going to grow a pair and tell my darling sister that you're in love with her?"

"I don't know, I want to but I have to find the right time. That painting I'm working on is for Josie, it's a mural of her but I haven't been able to finish it. I want to give it to her when I tell her."

"How come you can't finish it?"

"I don't know, but I want it to be perfect. My other work is going great. I've never painted more in my life."

"What do you think sparked that?"


"What do you mean"

"My dad always said that once an artist finds it's muse, the ideas and creativity will just pour out of them. What I hadn't realized was that my muse was a beautiful brunette who's constantly on my mind."

"wow" is all Lizzie can manage to say.

"We should head back to the party"

"Yeah let's go"

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