Chapter 4

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Dabi' POV
Bird brain admitted to leaving me and being pregnant. I'm beyond fucking angry I'm fucking furious. He had the audacity to shitty leave when he's carrying my god damn child and to top all this shit he went to his EX'S house like what the fuck really Enji Todoroki. He finally spoke ,  "Touya why are you in my house you fucking  shithead"  I glared at him " I came here to retrieve my god damn omega  Hoe-doroki" he looked at my with anger in his ocean blue eyes " he's not yours" I got up places keigo on the other couch and yelled " YES HE IS I MARKED HIM THEREFORE HE IS MINE" I said using my alpha " I'm sorry alpha I'm yours" I heard from Keigo in a shaky voice knowing he was going to start crying he was whining and whimpering like the little bitch he is "I thought so . so what are you NOT going to do from now on Takami" he looked up at my baby blue eyes (i know there not baby blue)" n-not run away and stay by your side at all times" he said letting a little whimper out. I smirked and patted his head " good boy let's go omega" he gave me grabby hands signaling that he wanted to be picked up, ' I can't say no to him' I thought and picked up my mate. Before we walked out the house I turned toward the firey alpha " STAY AWAY FROM MY OMEGA" I said using my alpha voice once again causing keigo to whimper. I rub circles on his back to calm him down. I walked out of the house before we started walking "when we get home wash that disgusting ass fuck scent off am I clear omega" he looked up  " y-yes alpha" was what he said. we started walking towards the car, and when we got in he looked at me with sadness in his eyes "sorry for being a bad omega" voice calm but still a little shaken from earlier, I stopped walking "you aren't a bad omega" I looked at him and those beautiful golden eyes " you aren't a bad omega you came back to me right" he nodded " you are carrying out pup am I wrong" he nods once again " then your not a bad omega your perfect baby boy remember that nobody can replace you" I pet his ears " thank you alpha" he said purring from the praise and affection that I am providing him. I kiss him and started driving to our house.

When they got home 😁!!

Hawks POV
When we got home he carried me out the car and into the house once in the house he put me down "go ahead and shower I'll be in the kitchen" I nodded and before I walked away he smacked my ass I jumped and ran to the room and went into the bathroom

Hawks POV When we got home he carried me out the car and into the house once in the house he put me down "go ahead and shower I'll be in the kitchen" I nodded and before I walked away he smacked my ass I jumped and ran to the room and went into th...

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What the bathroom looks like.

The bathroom is really pretty it not the first time I've seen it but it still wow me like I've never seen it a day in my life. I get in the shower and when I got out I  noticed my little baby bump I could help but rub it I felt a little kick. I felt happy and not just because I have a alpha but because I am carrying his pup happy because I know that my pup is alive and well. If anything happened to my pup I wouldn't know what to do I would be heart broken. I finished drying  off and walked out the bathroom I took my towel off and was going to get dressed but my raven hair alpha with no shirt on ' oh my g*d my alpha is so hot'  " like what you see keg"  he said smirking I blushes of embarrassment I didn't know I was staring " n-no I m-mean y-yes I mean I-i don't know" he walked up to me " I was joking little bird~"  I blushes at his raspy voice ' UGH I hate when he does that voice it' Dabi's smirk got wider " you have a voice kink omega~" I was as red as a tomato 'fuck I thought my mumbling was under control I'm such a horrible omega for thinking like that about him' I look at the ground " I-I'm sorry for being a bad omega and having these thoughts a-alpha."

Dabi's POV

I hate when he called his self a bad omega it hurts that my omega thinks he is a " bad omega" other alpha's have said that he is a bad omega if he doesn't cook or clean and just sits down all-day and have me do it instead but I don't care what the fuck those asshats have to say he's MY fucking OMEGA, nobody else's I have to convince him that he's a good omega even if he doesn't cook or clean I don't want my omega to be a so called "perfect omega" I lift his chin so he's looking at me " little mouse you aren't a bad omega and if I have to fuck you senseless for you to understand then I fucking will" he pushed me away a little " no I'm a bad omega stop Lying to me"  he still didn't fucking believe me so I didn't what I said I was going to do I pined him to the bed and lefties his shirt " fine I'll show you that your the best omega there is"
( Smut ahead also I'm doing it in 3 person because it's easier)

3 person POV

Dabi started sucking on Keigo's right sensitive nun  flicking and bitting on his right nipple with his tongue and twisting and pinching the left. Takami's hand on the raven hair alphas head bucking his hips to get friction on his member but the poor omega got no relief. The alpha loved the omegas sounds it was music to his ears "AHHH C-CUMMING WANT T-TO CUM" he said begging his alpha to let him cum "go ahead baby boy" with that he came Dabi loved seeing his omega in ecstasy he loved to see that he can do that to his mate it was a turn on. "I'm about to eat you up omega" he planted kisses on his chest stomach and torso once at his mates perfect pink hole drenched in his slick he went to work licking sucking every thing he could get he knew that Keg was needy he loved it and do did hawks. Hawks loved being eaten alive by his Alpha when he looked down at Dabi sting him up he could help but want more. "M-more mmm~ more a-ahhh~ alpha p-please" Dabi stopped and looked at his jaded golden eyes he sat up at kissed hawks pushing his cock into him slowly until he slammed in to hawks from the tightness of him the warm ness that he gave Dabi that toga doesn't have " you want your alphas cock huh you whore of an omega" keigo nodded tongue hanging out of his mouth while his mate fucked him recklessly slamming into him forgetting he was pregnant " use your words omega" " mmmmmmmmm~ o-oh g-g*d~ I l-love ahhh~ my alpha-as cock~ more o-g*d please more~" he did what he wanted

17 rounds later 3:09 pm

??? POV
I was on my way to Dabi's house so he could "help me" I heard what sounded like moans and skin slapping coming from the room when I walked in he gave me a key to his house just in case of well "emergency's" I went to the door and put my ear to it I hear another omega moaning his name ' he's fucking someone else he's supposed to fuck me ONLY ME'. I knocked on the door and I'm guessing they had just finished because he said that they were done and that he isn't a bad omega I wanted to change that I wanted Dabi to myself and I know how to get him...

Always yours  ( smut/ fluff,  A.O.B Verse )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin