Tired? Or Sick?

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Draco's POV:

Awww. He was so adorable asleep. I have learnt just now that my calming pheromones can put him to sleep, which will be useful in the future if he start getting angry. All I would have to do is get him to submit - even just slightly- then release my pheromones.

When he exited the closet in my clothes I almost lost control and mated him but I have to remember that he is really innocent. I mean he didn't even know what the word kinky was.

I went to go and change into my pjs and Harry started mumbling my name, I couldn't tell if he was waking up or looking for me. I wanted to be comfortable and for him to be comfortable so I removed my shirt which had my calming pheromones on and chucked it at the bed. It seemed to settle him down.

Once changed I went and cuddled into him. Instinctively he settled into my chest and sighed. My mind went back to when I was rubbing his thigh earlier and he began to get excited. It was so hard then not lose my control then as well. I can tell that it is going to be so hard to keep in control while he doesn't know why he is even getting turned on by me rubbing his thigh.

He's been touched my someone but something is telling me he didn't like it or it was forced.

My Veela is now talking to me and not saying completely dirty stuff. Although I am really happy that he hasn't touched himself in a way and angry that someone else may have touched him, although it may not be what I think. I get to help him study his body. The only bad thing about that is that I will have to wait even longer to mate with him. If it is what I think it may be he would be terrified. I do wonder if he wants kids though. He can give birth to them but I can control whether my sperm is fertile or not. It is weird to think about but my Veela was telling me and I read it in books when I was at school.

With that thought I fell asleep...

I woke up to the smell of Harry's panicked pheromones (a dominant can tell which submissive pheromones are which) and a different shirt than I had on when I went to sleep and sick around me. What?

I heard vomiting in my bathroom and in a flash I was in there. I knew it was Harry - who else would it be?

Harry's POV:

I woke up only to vomit over Draco. This is normal for me, the Dursley's sometimes have me take medicines to stop me from eating so much. So with the food that Mrs Malfoy gave me it was only natural that I would begin to vomit uncontrollably. I just don't want Draco to wake up. I started panicking because I was scared he would be mad at me for getting it over him so I jumped up and got him a new t-shirt but I didn't want to change him myself as I felt like that would cross a boundary. So I used magic to switch his shirts.

Just before I was able to clean up the bed I felt like I was going to vomit again so I ran to the bathroom and emptied everything out of my stomach. I only started to cry when Draco entered because I was scared. Normally if I was making this much noise and mess I would have to clean it up then get beaten again.

OMG I forgot to clean the bed of my sick! I am so in trouble.

"Shhh, love it's okay your okay" came a soothing voice from behind my ear. A hand began rubbing up and down my back as a calming sense surrounded me.

"Don't worry about anything I've got you" arms circled around my waist just before I blacked out.

Draco's POV:

As I got to Harry he began crying. I knew it was because it was mistreated and he was sick because of medicine he was given. It should be out of his system in a day or two. I got a letter from Gringotts informing me of what was happening but I won't tell him that I know because it should be something he tells me himself.

My Veela was guiding me on how to treat a sick mate and it all seemed to work until he blacked out. I used my calming pheromones to stop him from panicking but not enough to put him to sleep again. When I felt his body go limp I immediately rushed him to my bed - now cleaned, wordless magic works a treat - and called the hospital they told me to cover him with a blanket and they will be here soon.

I hope he is okay...

*sorry I haven't been very active and this is quite short but I am going to try and upload more content soon*

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