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(Harry's cat at top^^^)

Draco approached the small, scared kitten. Harry hissed and backed away scared of what he might do due to their history. Draco growled, this made Harry wimper in fear and curl up in a ball as he has made his mate angry which wasn't his intention but he was scared of Draco and he hated to admit it.

Draco growled again and pointed at his feet. Harry crept forward taking tiny steps very slowly to get used to an angered Draco. But Draco got fed up and moved forward, picked a shaking Harry up and apperated home to the manor. His father had been taken to Azkaban and his mother was beginning to lighten up she was more joyful in all she did as she was away from Lucius wretched clutches.

When they landed Harry jumped down from Draco's arms (scratching him in the process) and rushed through the manor to try and get away. Draco growled once again trying to get him to submit and ran after him.

Harry made it to a hall when he heard the growl from behind him. He balled up and began whimpering and hissing. Narcissia entered and saw her son scaring a tiny kitten who was trying to get away but was trapped in a corner by Draco. She knew Draco had gone to do the inheritance test so this must be his mate. She always knew it would be Harry from their so called rivalry.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy. Stop that now you are scaring the poor thing" she said picking up the poor kitten.

"He scratched me and ran away he needs to be punished and trained properly" the kitten began to shake at Draco growling this out.

"Not when you are like this. You just met him and now want him to just submit. Think about how you would feel if you were just taken by someone who you have to spend the rest of your life with, don't know about you but I'd be bloody terrified. I will look after him until you calm down now get out this hall" she demanded sternly.

"But he's my mate and I have to make sure he knows the rules!"

"GET OUT NOW AND YOU WILL NOT HARM A HAIR ON HIS BODY" the kitten began to shake even more at all the yelling to which Draco stormed out the hall.

"Come on Harry, I will look after you for now" she took him to a different part of the manor where she knew Draco thought was made up. She placed him in the room she had made for him. It wasn't hard to tell that Draco's mate would be Harry - who she knew he was abused from all the scratches she saw on his body when she saved him - and the fact that he would be a Neko as he seemed to act tough but would always look to others for guidance.

The room had a normal bed and a kitten bed also equipped with everything he would need for his kitten plus some of Draco's unwashed jumpers that she thought he would love.

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