Chapter 1:The Humble Begginings

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So...this is a story,a weird one,of a boy who is a bro and has sweg (totaly not me) :).

So,he was born at the age of 1,unknown year (of course),at 9 AM.

His first word was ,,Swag" :).And when he came out,he was already smoking weed.

Anyway,he was raised in a farely normal family,who loved him (at least that's what he thought),and was kind of swagy also.
Now,lets speak about his first official swag gesture:

It was a normal day in kindergarden.All the little kids were playing like little morons (that they are).

This boy, (wich name was Snoopy),was just smoking some weed and stuff.When the teacher came and said to him that he's not allowed to smoke weed evrey day,and he responded,and i quote: ,,Deal with it."
In that day,they all knew that he was ment to be the SwagMaster.

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