The Dark Place - Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

By this time in London it had still been light enough to see all that was going on across Clapham Common from her bedroom window, but this place was different. It was almost like being on another planet.

The storm outside had been raging for over two hours. The rain beat a heavy tattoo against the windowpanes but, much to the little girl's relief, at least the thunder and lightning had finally ended. Tamicka pressed the button on the flashlight and the room was thrown into darkness once more. She slid the torch back under her pillow; curled into a snug little ball - crushing Mr. Huggles to her chest – and squeezed her eyelids tight together just to make sure that they were closed. In some strange way, the drumming of the rain helped Tamicka to unwind taking her close to the edge of sleep and she loosened her grip on Mr. Huggles. The fear that she had felt earlier ebbed away and her breathing became deep and steady. Although Mrs. Hughes had taken one of the bedrooms at the other end of the hall Tamicka felt more at ease just knowing that the old woman was still in the house.  The sound of the raging water became more distant as she slowly became engulfed in sleep.

There was a far-away sound, so gentle that Tamicka couldn't be sure what it was. She tried to put it out of her mind but the more she concentrated on sleep, the louder the sound became. It sounded like static, like something trying to tune into her wavelength until it was unmistakable. She wasn't alone anymore; somebody was in the room with her, and they were crying. She couldn't quite make out which part of the room the sobs were coming from. It was as if they surrounded her. Slowly she reached under her pillow for the flashlight again, trying her hardest not to make a sound.

"Don't go..." the shadow of a voice came from over by the window.

Tamicka took a moment to think. Was this all just a dream?

"Please don't go." The voice was clearer now, more insistent.

Tamicka's hand finally found the slim metal cylinder and clasped it tightly. She was covered in cold sweat, torn between scanning the room with the aid of the flashlight and just curling back into her protective ball.

"I can help you. I can keep you safe," the voice continued.

It was the voice of a young child. Wide-eyed curiosity quickly joined her fear and she sat bolt upright with her back against the headboard. She snapped the flashlight on and pointed the beam directly at the window. Just on the periphery of her vision, Tamicka thought that she could make something out in the darkened corner of the room. It looked like a pale green, shapeless mist. The fear became stronger as she cast her gaze directly at the apparition. There was a long silence while she waited for the child to speak again, but the voice remained silent.

"Who are you?" Tamicka could hardly hear her own voice.

"Don't go out there," the voice replied.

"What do you want?"

"If you go out I can't protect you," the voice pleaded.

"How did you get in here?"

The mist faded like a poorly projected picture until there was hardly anything left of it.

"Whatever you do, you must not trust her."

"What are you talking about?" Tamicka asked.

"Don't believe her lies."

Tamicka climbed out of bed and slowly shuffled over to the spot where remnants of the mist still lingered. As she neared it the light from her torch dimmed, the temperature dropped and the air was filled with a damp, earthy smell.

"Don't trust who?" Tamicka whispered. "How will I know if you don't tell me?"

"She will pretend to be your friend but she will only end up hurting you."

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