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"Nebosuke~ where is the shirt?"

You grunted and turned to the cool side of the bed.

"Oi nebosuke~" his low voice reached your ears while he kissed your forehead.

"Why are you in a hurry? Did you get up earlier than me? Is the world going to end today?" you said with a coy smile.

" I have to. I have a few meetings set up. Investors," he said while arching his back only in his bath towel, scratching his head.

You got off the bed sluggish and handed his shirt to him. It's almost your time to get ready so you got on with it.

"I'll be later than usual and probably I will have to work on the weekend if things get worse," sounding a bit disappointed and tired.

You positioned his tie and collar for him neatly as you can and pat his shoulder.

"Just eat something when you get time. Anything is fine. Don't be picky and have at least a sandwich."

He wrapped his arms and pulled you close. His breath made your breathe hitch. He rests his face on your exposed shoulder of your formal shirt. His new cologne engulfed you thoroughly but what made you more electrified was his next sentence.

"I wanna eat you up so badly. Two more days to the weekend, yes?"

"I'm on period," you said nonchalantly.


"Like I have a choice in the matter!!" you beat him up.

"Okay okay okay. fine. But a  Kiss won't hurt."

He showered your face with kisses and finally on your lips onto which you just applied your favourite lip balm.

He licked his lip while outlining your lips.
"I like the new flavour. Should I  buy you a chocolate one or am I asking too much?"

"Mr Kuroo Testurou when is your so-called meeting? "

"Oh lord, I'm late again."

The next few things happened in a flash. You stood near the main door frame while he ran around the house to get his wallet, keys and his laptop bag.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drop you?"

"Just go already. I can manage. By the way, you forgot something ."

Kuroo, who already left the door came back with a confused expression.

He came close to you and kissed your forehead and tried to leave as fast as he could.

"You dumbass! I was talking about your phone!!"

He groaned again as he came back up to take his phone from your hands.

"I need your business card."

Kuroo handed you his card in the most dramatic way possible.

"Should I start printing my picture in it so that you can get mesmerized not just by name in it but with my photo too?"

"I thought you were late."

He groaned again, stole a kiss from you and ran down the stairs even though the elevator was on the same floor.

Is this guy for real!

You slowly started getting ready after sending a good luck text to Kuroo.

You reached your workplace in one piece. Today was a lucky day as you got a place to sit throughout your trip to your office. That is a once in a blue moon occurrence in the bustling trains of Japan, especially during working hours.

𝑨 𝑽𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒕 𝑻𝒐 𝑱𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒏 [KUROO X READER] Where stories live. Discover now