Promise I don't bite...

Start from the beginning

“Sorry…” you muttered, dropping your gloved hands off his shoulders. The buzzing feeling sparked in the pit of your stomach and you couldn't get rid of it. The rush fuelled the heat on your cheeks, making the air in the helmet a tad more stuffy than you would like it to be.

”The buttons are at the back. It's a weird design but once you get some practice, you'll be able to do it within a heartbeat,” a click followed his statement.

“Thank you Red,” you said awkwardly, moving away once he finished. In the closed space wrapped around your head, you could hear your own erratic breathing that was now exaggerated largely to the point that it became hard to ignore nor go unnoticed.

“What task do you have now?” you cleared your throat, trying to play it off coolly. Red showed you his card on a string as it dangled from side to side in between his fingers: card swipe.

You both exited medbay, passing the cafeteria in the process. You caught a glimpse of how the benches were completely pushed up to one side, boxes laying around. You gulped at the intimidating thought of what would happened if the crash was a little bit stronger, the benches were a little bit heavier and if Yellow didn't find you.

“Morning, White! How’s the headache?” a cheerful voice spoke up in front of you. Out of the corner of your eyes, a yellow suit was walking towards you. The clanking made by her shoes caused you to turned to her.

“May I?” you hesitantly nodded. The girl leaned closer, took your gloved hand in hers and pressed a button laid unknown to you. You flinched when a light flashed on your wrist, “The amount of air intake is going great. Your heartbeat rate is a bit slower now, but I guess it's nothing too alarming...

Your temperature is just a tiny bit higher, so I'm assuming an undertone fever - spacesick? Overall, you're pretty healthy: the new update for measuring sure is good,” you watched her swipe through the screen fluently in awe. You gulped, feeling unsettled. Everything was too real to be true, you had woken up twice now and this crazy wild dream hadn't come to an end yet…

Perhaps... it was more than a dream. You bit your tongue, and winced from the following pain. The crazy thought you had couldn't be true, it was way too outrageously crazy to have even one small part of it be true.

“Yeah, but you can't measure her stomach contents. White only ate the crackers out of the fancy food she could've feasted on. Scold her,” Red commented, you jumped and turned back. How dare this guy threw you under the bus like that! Earning a glare from you, the guy only giggled while Yellow gasped. She pointed at you as you desperately shook your hands. It felt like you were going to be scolded by the mum of the group, and you were going to be grounded for quite some time.

“I'm joking, she also drank the apple juice,” at this point Red burst out laughing, a long and hearty one. Yellow stared at him, hinting for him to continue. Catching the stare from the other crewmate only to cut his laugh into wheezes.

“Is that all? Apple juice and crackers?” the girl turned to you.

“Umm… I didn't feel like eating and besides the tray had a lot of food so- it's a big meal!” you stuttered in panick. You had never thought your first official arguement with the crewmates would be about your food: especially not crackers and juice. You swallowed a smile, “But the juice was good.”

“She's not mad at you: don’t worry. And it's not like she'll try to force-feed you. Yellow’s just a bit protective, that's all,” Red fixed himself up straight after a good laugh. The tense in your shoulders relaxed when a small giggle escaped Yellow’s lips.

“Just protective?” the girl huffed out before putting her hands on her hip. You just awkwardly walked in between the two arguing. Your mind drew out the way, you pondered at the realistic design of the massive spaceship that weren't draw to scale in the game. The actual size of the hallway was impressive as you unconsciously outstretched your arm. It was the length of at least two or more people before touching the other side of the spaceship's metal wall.

“I'll do the download task first,” Red spoke up, “Yellow, you can show White the card swipe. Our card swipe machine is weird, it’s pretty tricky to use.”

“I know that, you don't have to tell me what to do,” the girl hissed playfully. You smiled at their friendship; you could feel its truthfulness. Your jaw tensed and you thought about yourself. It did seem like you had somehow been forced into the game. If you could enter a game, there should also be a way to escape it. You looked at Red and then turned to Yellow, so far you hadn't detected any danger yet.

You walked towards the massive table lying in the middle, Yellow following behind. Your fingers touched the inner space, a warm green light converted of a dimension of a map. It glowed brighter at where you touched and the light dimmed further away from your touch. It almost looked like you had touched a body of stilled water.

“How are you enjoying it here?” you turned to the Yellow as she slid her card through a machine.

“It's alright, I guess,” you responded. You couldn't get why you were unsure about your answer. It had been much better than I thought, maybe you could have responded that.

You opened your mouth, but closed it. The girl looked up at you, awaiting for your question. You hesitantly asked, “How long have you been on this ship for?”

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