His voice cuts off as there is large bang in the background.

"Aubrey!" His voice was distant and desperately panicked which told her that he was no longer near the phone anymore and must have dropped it.

"Warning her won't help." Another mans voice says faintly and Aubrey griped the reciever closer to her ear, frozen with curiousity,"It's her destiny, no matter what time, which-"

There is a thundering noise which makes Aubrey drop the reciever. Her ears are still ringing as she scrambled to pick the phone up.

"If you hurt him, I will rain down hell upon you."It's a girl who
was speaking now, her tone low and dangerous and once again Aubrey is hit with this uncanny feeling of familiarity as if she knows the person whose voice it was for her entire life.

"You're here." The man says and his voice drips of satisfaction,"You're always so predictable, its boring."

The static on the phone rises to such a level that Aubrey can't hear a thing but then it stops and an ear piercing scream echoes through the phone before promptly cutting off, leaving Aubrey alone in the quiet phone booth.

She stood in shock for a few seconds her hands curled tightly around the reciever the scream echoing through her ears. A scream she could recognise just about anywhere.

Because it was hers.


The Queen shall rise.

The dead shall walk the earth

and it has begun once again.

"Had a good nights sleep?" Her aunts tone was was polite but she didn't make the mistake of looking up at Aubrey.

"I did."

It had always come naturally to her, lying that is. At first she made an attempt to tell her parents the truth, she told them about the thousand whispering voices in her head saying all kinds of things, she told them about her dreams of the two boys who would alternate in another vivid nightmare every night.

That had landed her a trip to the pyshciatrist who diagnosed her with a mental disorder with a fancy name and even fancier medicines. They asked her every night how she was and whenever she made the mistake of saying the truth she had to take more meds, schedule more appointments with her shrink, so she started lying. When her parents eased out on her Aubrey learned a very important lesson, people only want the truth that they want.

The prophecy shall finally be complete.

"First day of school." Her aunt said as she poured the coffee into her cup,"Excited."


Another lie.

Her aunt finally looked up, her face in a forced mask of expressionless,"Do you want me to drop you to school?"

Aubrey shook her head as she finished packing her breakfast sandwich,"I'll be fine, I know where it is."

The seven shall finally rise again and our queen shall lead them.

To war!

To death!


Her aunt went back upstairs as Aubrey closed the door behind her. It was a cold day and the tress were moving as if they were shaking in a soft breeze that was blowing.

There was no wind.

You need to be careful.

The voice was so loud that Aubrey had to cover her ears. But there was something different about this voice, familiar almost.

Just In TimeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ