Chapter 4:Unknown feelingsꨄ(Elijah's POV)

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A/n: By the time this is published I will also be publishing another chapter focusing on Denis's POV this one is focusing on Elijah's POV but both POV'S take place at the same time if that makes sense- so yeah didn't want my Ladies and gentleman to be confused-Koemi Ohh and also I cant believe that this story has 105 reads thank you so much 🥺

ELIJAH'S POV: 8:30 pm
I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted with skin, 'Wait what am I looking at?' I carefully moved my head back, 'Denis?' 'Wait a min-' I started blushing furiously when I saw Denis's hands were on my hips. I covered my mouth with one of my hands 'How did we end up like this??' I was deep in thought that I didn't even notice Rudy was sleeping on the pillow around Denis's head, I then looked up at Denis 'Maybe he won't mind if I try to leave,' as I started to pick myself up from the cushions I felt Denis's hands pull me back into a cuddle. After staying in that position for 5 minutes, I started feeling tired again 'He won't mind, he won't mind it's his fault anyway, I'll just blame it on him' I smirked at the last few words. I put my hands once again on his chest and snuggled my head back into the crook of his neck, "Hehehe so warm~," I said out loud by accident❦.

I was starting to fall a sleep until I heard light sobbing and the words "I miss him," repeating over and over 'Huhhh Debsy crying?' I lifted my head to look at him 'Ohhhhh he's crying, whyyy, is he talking about corl?' I started frowning, 'I don't like to see him like this, it makes me sad' "Denis, why are you crying?" I said but instead of answering he dug his face into the pillow releasing his grip on my waist and then clenched his teeth to hold his tears back 'He doesn't want to cry in front me,' I sat up and moved my hand towards his chin and moved it to face me, I wiped his tears off and said, "Debsy, we all miss him," I started again "It's fine to cry, it happens, so please don't hide it for me. . . . . ."Denis started smiling and opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Rudy jumping in between us. "Ohhh Rudy, I'm so sorry," I said as I got up from the couch. Denis looked at me, confused. I guess he was hinting that he was confused so I looked at him as I grabbed Rudy and said, "I forgot to feed him din-din," "Ohhhh," Denis said but then pouted, he mumbled something but I didn't catch it "Hey Denis, you know it's supposed to snow tonight," I said. "Wait really, YAYY!" he said with an excited tone in his voice, I smiled 'Aww when he gets all excited, it's cute. . . .'  I then turned around and continued my way to kitchen with Rudy.

As I was getting a can out of the pantry, I started to think about why I was blushing when he said I should smile more, 'Why did I blush when he said that, were just best friends, best friends cuddle right?' 'Wow he's really got me confused about my sexuality, I called him cute too!!'  'Ahhh, I'm thinking to much!' I snapped out of my thoughts when Rudy started meowing loudly 'Ohh, right, I haven't even opened the can.' After I fed Rudy, I walked back to the living room finding that Denis just finished cleaning up 'He hasn't had the chance to shower, he probably feels dirty.' I walked to his side and said "You should probably take a shower Debsy," "Ohh right, I will, thanks for reminding me Kitty~" Denis said as he started walking upstairs. I stood there blushing like crazy 'kitty, kitty, he just called me kitty, holy crap,' 'Ahhh I'm blushing again.'  'Why do I have this, uhhh what do you call it Gwahhh feeling in my chest, it feels like my heart is doing flips.' I started getting flustered even more 'ELIJAH, stop getting flustered,' 'You know what I'll just distract myself.' I looked around for my phone and saw it on the coffee table, I then picked it up and saw a message from Ethan 'Ohh Ethan texted,' 'I wonder what he's doing?'

Italics are thoughts 💭
The bold text is the messages between the two
                              (Pfp) Ethanت

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