chapter 7

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“Lets begin.” I said standing up. “5, 4, 3, 2, go.” I knew what they were thinking that I would go for the weakest links first. In all honesty I thought about it but know that they would leave themself to open trying to protect the two youngest. That’s why I went for Hyunjin first. He’s not weak, he just is the one to be least expected to be targeted first.

Hyunjin was left wide open and I had him on his back with the gun to his head within a minute. I let go of Hyunjin so he could get up and move to the side. He could now  start the next match. 

“Ready . . . begin!” Hyunjin yelled.
Next target, Jisung, he's going to be focused on trying to keep me from getting to Minho. One by one I had won, Changbin, Minho, Seungmin, I.N. Then it was just me and Chan . . . I had planned for it to be Chan the whole time. I mean yes this plan came into mine out of the blue but I knew that if i wanted anyone to pull the trigger I wanted it to be Chan.

“It’s just me and you Baby boy.” Chan smirked. I know he knows that he’s not going to win this.

“Apprease so.” I said smiling sweetly.

“ Ready . . . begin.” Hyunjin yelled.

Chan did put up to be a little more of a challenge then the others. He even tried to gloc me with the gun. It was unbelievable. Either way I had gotten him down just like I did the very first time we fought with the pursuer point he had forgotten to cover. It was just that this time I had a gun to his head.

“What was that about not being able to take on 7 people.” I said letting go of his hair. “ Welcome to the Nabi, the top ranked Clan in Korea. You will now be my inner circle. The inner circle is called Straykidz. Chan babe you’ll be second in command. Everyone will still be lead commanders of what they are best at. I will schedule everyone to get there tattoos on the 23rd giving you enough time to move in and disband the 답답해 or even better just so there is still some competition. Give it to someone else.” I announced to them all throwing the gun on the ground and putting on the generations robe. It really was a nice robe dark blue silk with gray butterflies on it. Showing that I am the ultimate boss.

“Dad really trained you well after I left.” Minho started walking up to me.

“Brother you have no idea, also for all that had wondered in the beginning this is why I was better than everyone when I first came in. Lets go I have to announce you all as the new console.” Everyone had looked at me absolutely amazed at how unfazed I was. Chan got off the ground at one point and was now standing with the others but smirking at me.

“Rather you can stare at me blankly and not become the console or you can follow me and become the newest members of the console.” I looked at them with excitement in my eyes.

“Felix you really are one crazy son of a bitch.” Jisung said looking at me with his jaw dropped.

“No one ever said I was sane. Just because I was quiet doesn’t mean I’m not planning my every move. Though what just happened was definitely a last minute thought. I really thought y’all were about to kill me.”

“You're telling me that this was something you thought of on the spot.” Seungmin said.

“At most I died.” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.” Now let's go.” I said grabbing Chan’s hand. Even though he could have killed me like 4 minutes ago I still love me.

I don’t blame him if i was the next big enemy I would want to kill me to.
I skipped down the hall into the main room of the manner all the while explaining what they were about to do. I walked out front of all the men and women. “Thank you for waiting.” I yelled to everyone in the room quieting down. “ There were some difficulties. Now may I introduce the next generation console of the Nabi.” I said as all the boys walked out and stood in a line. “Seungmin and I.N. the new directors of Hacking and everything that has to do with technology.” Both of the boys had stepped up and everyone cheered. “ and Spear.B in charge of the brain and muscle.” Yet again they stepped out and everyone cheered. ”Lee Know and Hyunjin are not incharge of the Assassin and Sniper department.” Same thing happened. “ Lastly as my second hand man we have CB97.” Everyone was especially loud. “Everyone is now dismissed until further notice.”

“Yes, sir!” The whole group had yelled. All leaving the manner.

With’in a couple of minutes everyone had left and it was just me and all the boys. Except it was more of just the boys because they were all huddled together in a circle off to the side.

“So we are really doing this, huh?” I.N. asked Chan.

“We have no choice. I love Felix but he does scare me sometimes and I know that if we backed out  he would personally hunt all of us down and rip off our heads to use as trophies and house decor.” Chan stated looking at everyone. Not saying I was eavesdropping but I was.

“He’s not wrong you know. Now come on y’all are moving in with me.” I said walking down stairs that were connected to the bottom floor. They all just stared at me. I knew that it was going to take them some time to get used to me being their leader. It’s new to me too so we’ll all be in this together.

“It’s a really big house so there will be plenty of room for all of you to do whatever you want. Minho you can have your room back. You might want to dust because no one has even looked at your door. Umm . . . every room is basically free including my room because I’m moving into the top floor.” I heard rustling coming from a high floor behind a curtain and then saw a bullet fly at me. Wow, their aim sucked. I grabbed the gun that was on my thigh and shot it at the curtain. Within seconds there was a thud.

“I’m leaving now. Minho you know the way. Same place and same old purple door. Show up when you like I’m just letting you know that if you decide to run away I will do exactly what Chan said. Don’t forget to bring all your stuff and disband your clan or give it away.” With that last little speech I walked out getting into my brand new car gifted to me by my father earlier today before the ceremony.
I know I sound sadistic but I need this more than they think. There has been more rising competition that is after my spot soon. I really need them to help me. Plus, I'll finally have people to talk to other than the maid and my father and mother.  My mother can finally go back to Australia though.

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