As Percy was reading over the note, the Avengers and nearby agents trained their weapons on the demigods who also had their weapons drawn. All the demigods wore helmets similar to Percy's, so it was very hard to tell people apart.

"Stand down mortals! We only came for our Oracle. You need not intervene!" Clarisse shouted.

Steve was about to respond when an agent called out, "Clarisse??"

Clarisse snapped her head in the agent's direction. She would recognize her half-brother's voice anywhere and yelled back, "Thomas??"

"Agent do you know these people?" Steve asked.

"That's classified, sir," Thomas said back in a monotone voice.

Clint stepped in, "Agent Barton, clearance level 7. I order you to tell us who these people are."

This time Thomas shot him a dirty look and spoke with spite, "The Olympia Division only takes orders from our commander, sir."

"Then tell Admiral to get over here already!" Tony said impatiently.

After a long second of consideration, Thomas pressed his earpiece. "Commander, you're needed immediately outside the medical tents."

Not one minute later, the Greek warrior in black armor marched to meet them. He was too far away for any of the demigods to see his sea-green eyes, but Annabeth knew right away it was Percy. Her plan would work after all.

Percy handed Thor the parchment, hoping he could read it. Thankfully he could and said, "I swear to these terms on the River Styx." Thunder sounded in the background on a bright sunny day causing the Avengers to look up in confusion.

Now addressing the crowd, Percy commanded them, "Lower your weapons!"

The agents all listened because most around were of the Olympia Division and the rest didn't want to disobey direct orders. The demigods, unsurprisingly, recognized the voice that had led them in two wars. They knew the Greek warrior in front of them was Percy Jackson, so they too obeyed and lowered their weapons. The Avengers, however, did not. Thor, having never raised his hammer to begin with, stood to the side awkwardly. Percy turned to the other Avengers and gave his best wolf glare to each one individually. They too slowly lowered their weapons.

Annabeth was the first to recover from the awkwardness she laid her drakon bone sword and calmly walked up to Peter. Before anyone could blink she punched him in the face. Everyone could tell it wasn't a hard punch, which is why no one reacted, except for putting on a look of surprise.

"What was that for?!" Peter cried out, holding his check that would bruise, but was otherwise fine.

"I told you what would probably happen if I ever met Spider-Man," Annabeth said with a smirk.


Annabeth took off her helmet and smiled. "Hey there, Peter."

"Wait! How did you know I was Spider-Man?"

Annabeth laughed, "Who do you think brought you to Stark Tower all those months ago?"


"Yup. Technically Percy carried you. But we knew before then. I suggest not removing your mask in alleyways, even if you think you're alone."

"Percy knows?! We've been in school for almost a whole semester and both of you knew??"

This time Admiral laughed, surprising the Avengers once more, and removed his helmet too. "It was funny to hear your excuses whenever you had to do something with the Avengers."

Peter was even more wide-eyed than before. Peter couldn't believe he hadn't recognized Percy's eyes sooner. It's not every day you meet someone with sea-green eyes that feel like they hold the power of the ocean. "Percy?! You're Admiral?? Since when?"

"Since the day I brought you to Stark Tower. Fury recruited me personally. But enough of that. There's much to explain."

"You got that right!" Assent was evident amongst the rest of the Avengers besides Thor who was back to grinning wider than his face allowed.

"Time-out," Peter said holding his hands up in a T. "You laughed at me for wearing spandex, and here you are in a leather skirt." The demigods glared at him for making fun of their armor, but Percy laughed it off.

"Yeah, but I can rock pteruges. You're just sporting a onesie."

Peter pretended to be a little miffed, but it was clear that he was holding back laughter.

Percy took the next hour to explain the existence of Greek and Roman gods and demigods and monsters to the Avengers as well as the Olympia Division that Chiron and Fury created to the demigods. It wouldn't have taken so long had there not been so many questions. But now that everyone was on the same page, it was time to rescue Rachel. Now, no one was denying that Rachel could handle herself, especially if she was given a hairbrush to chuck at a bad guy. But for all they knew, she was tied up and wasn't even conscious, let alone had a hairbrush and was in a condition to fight back.

After another hour of strategizing to combine the Avengers' plan with the demigods' plan, everyone was ready. The Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents would take down HYDRA operatives and secure the facility, the demigods would break through any lines of defense and handle any monsters that came their way, the Olympia Division would also take care of monsters and would handle any 'special' HYDRA soldiers, and the seven (except Hazel who had gone back to New Rome and Frank who had never left New Rome) plus Nico were tasked with finding Rachel and getting her out.

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