I (Christmas Filler)

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Wilbur, Philza, and myself  dragged a large pine tree into the home I became all to comfortable, Tommy and Tubbo followed suit with a few boxes of ornaments we had made weeks prior with Niki and Fundy.
Wilbur put the tree into a far corner in the living room and groaned on pain "I'm getting a little to old to do that.." He muttered out and rubbed his lower back which caused Phil to laugh. Tommy and Tubbo dropped the boxes down onto the couch carefully so none of the glass/porcelain ornaments broke.
"Sorry for the inconvenience you guys." I laugh softly and rubbed the back of my neck, "Nah don't worry about it man, as long as you let us help decorate the tree the your debt will be repaid." Tommy smiled cheekily.
Tubbo stood atop of a chair placing the ornaments around the top of the tree as Tommy handed them up to the brunette male and I mainly worked around the bottom of the large pine tree, Phil and Wilbur were off in the kitchen making hot chocolate for us.
Once Tubbo was done with the top he took his friends hand and shakily stepped off the wobbly seat before turning to help me with the rest ornaments down at the bottom.
Tommy picked up a small painted porcelain figure of Santa and turned to us "I don't remember painting this one. Did either of you paint it?" He asked in a soft tone, and Tubbo and I both shook our heads no, "Check the bottom. Maybe it has a name of the person who did." The bee based male suggested and Tommy did as told only to see,
Written on the foot of the figure. Wilbur walked back out of the kitchen with a tray in hand that had five cups of hot chocolate placed on the face of the board, "Okay you three, there will be hot chocolate on the coffee table if you want any." He smiled at us, placing the tray down onto the table that sat in front of the sofa. His chocolate brown eyes drifted towards the ornament in Tommy's hand before walking over and carefully taking it into his hands "Where did you find this Tommy?" Wilbur asked him, "I found it in the box with the other ornaments," the sandy blonde replied "None of us painted it and it has Schlatt's name on the bottom."
Wilbur smiled, "I haven't seen this since I was a kid. Jschlatt made it for me when we were about six or so.." He said in a quiet tone, remembering the old memories of his fallen friend then put it on the tree right next to an ornament I had made days prior. I gave a small smile before finishing the bottom of the tree "Okay!! That should be the last one!" I say loudly and stand to my feet before Philza handed me the tree topper, a beautifully made golden angel. He lifted me off the ground and placed me on his shoulders, I laughed before placing the topper onto the tree the tree looking complete. Lights strung around the dark green tree glimmered like twinkling stars in the dark night sky, accompanied by the glass ornaments that reflected more light into the dark room.

Philza set me down onto the ground and placed a hand on my head before saying "Pick out any book you'd like and I'll read it to you guys." He gave me a warm smiled and I nodded. Walking over to the bookshelf, picking out "The Polar Express", turning to the sofa where Tommy and Tubbo sat, laughing at Wilbur who was struggling with starting a fire in the fireplace. I giggled as well and walked over to them handing Philza the book and taking my place on the couch along with taking my hot chocolate into my cold hands as Wilbur finally got the fire started.
"Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see." Philza read aloud, and once he heard the faint snoring of Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur and myself he closed the book and picked up the blanket that was draped over the back over the sofa, carefully laying it atop of our shivering bodies. "Sleep well you four.." He whispered and took his seat in the love seat, closing his diamond blue eyes and drifting off into a peacefully doman of sleep.


Sorry for the filler you guys! I just thought I should give you something as I work on the eleventh chapter! I hope you guys like it, there might be more Christmas chapters like this so be expecting those as well💖
Merry early Christmas❤💚

-Peachi Fx (Mars)🎄❄🌨

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