You nodded. "Yes, and all water on earth has been here since the beginning."

"Water holds memory," Kaname said. "When you're one with water, it can do or be anything you want it to, but you can't take that for granted or misuse your powers."

You nodded your head again.

"Water is beautiful, but it can also be very dangerous. It's unpredictable, even when you have it mastered. You should think of it as a life form of it's own, a beautiful woman, if you will because like water, woman give life as well.

Water will do as you say, and yes you can control it, but you must treat it with the same love and respect you'd give another. So, as I just said, don't misuse it."

"If water is everywhere, then I can use my powers even I'm im far away from the sea?"

Kaname nodded. "Of course. Long ago, the sea king would travel to far off lands to teach, and his ena would not dry, even in the hottest and driest places, because he knew how to control the moisture around him. With some practice, you'll be able to as well."




"Yes," he chuckled. "Until you're able to literally feel the water in the air around you."

"But," you said. "I can feel it. I just can't control it."

"Meditation. Become one with the land just as you did the sea, and the answers will become clear."

"This is so," you paused. "Movie like. The answers are within me? Why can't you just tell me?"

"This is something you need to do yourself. Even I use my powers different than the Sea god did. We all are different, so we must find our own ways."

You sighed and nodded your head. "Alright."

"Oh, and for motivation. Stay away from the water until you figure it out, unless you're dying."

"How helpful," you said dryly.

Kaname chuckled before he dove into the water. You sighed and laid back in the sand, and closed your eyes.

You woke up again. Your mouth was dry and it was dark.

"What?" You muttered as you sat up. "How long was I out?"

The moonlight shinned directly onto you and you looked at the sea. You were thirsty, but surprisingly, your ena hadn't dried up.

"You're the only idiot I know that would just fall asleep out in the open," Sasuke said while glaring down at you.

You laughed. "I was tired."

"I'm surprised your ena didn't dry up," he said. "It's been forever."

"Yeah," you muttered as you inspected your arms. "Nothing. I did it!"


"I can keep my ena from drying up while on land! What did you see? Sasuke how did I do it?!"

Sasuke shrugged. "Dunno. You were just... fine. The whole time."

You groaned and laid back in the sand. "This whole finding the answers within myself is boring. I thought I'd get more guidance."

"Well," Sasuke said. "We've been holding your hand for years now, you gotta do this yourself."

You rolled your eyes. "Yeah well, I didn't always have any hands to hold."

Salty love (Sangwoo x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें