
978 35 7

Okay let's be honest, accepting all parts of you is harder than you expected, even after Sasuke and Rin's help.

It took days. While you were doing that, Sangwoo and Yoonbum went to hide a body and all that good stuff.

You took a long, deep sigh. Your hands slowly started to fade into the water, all the way up to your arms.

"Is this supposed to happen?" Rin whispered to Sasuke. "It seems different."

"Probably," Sasuke said. "Just watch."

Suddenly, there was a bright blue light. When the light faded, you were gone.

"What happened?!" Rin exclaimed.

"Hold on," Sasuke said.

It didn't take long for you to appear again. You just spawned behind them and grinned. "I did it!" You exclaimed happily.

Sasuke and Rin looked at you.

"What happened?" Sasuke said.

"I've been enlightened," you said with a chuckle. "Still crazy, but," you paused. "I'm content with myself."

"That's good. Now, I must take you back to Lord Kaname," Sasuke said.

"I'm tired," you muttered, then, you collapsed.

Rin chuckled. Sasuke lifted you into his arms and shook his head. "I told her to take a break."


"Sang! Sang! Sangwoo!" Sangwoo heard your voice calling for him. He slowly sat up in bed and looked around.

"Sangwoo~" Your voice called.

He slowly got out of bed and walked down the stairs. That's when he saw you, sitting on the dining room table with a knife in hand.

"Sangwoo," you said again. Sangwoo smiled. "You're back."

You walked over him and slowly trailed the knife along his chest. "I missed you so much, Areum," Sangwoo said. "I'm so happy you came back for me."

You were silent as you pulled Sangwoo down to your height. Your lips just barely brushed his. "Like I'd ever lower my standards for cheating scum like you."

Sangwoo's smile fell and he stared at you with wide eyes. "You filthy cheater! You drove me away. Look at you now, crazy and lonely with an old man in your bed! Does Sangwoo really miss mommy that bad?"

"Shut up," Sangwoo muttered.

"Oh, now I need to shut up? You didn't care about noise when you were fucking Bum when I was in the next room! Or when he sucked you off in that bathroom! You're fucking disgusting!"

"Shut up!" Sangwoo exclaimed as he grabbed your neck.

You smirked at him. "Pathetic."

Then, you were gone. You had disappeared, just as suddenly as you appeared. Sangwoo's eyes widened as he stared at where you had just been.

Only, you were never really there.

"Please, come back," he pleaded to no one.


You and Kaname sat on the shore. "Water is everywhere," he said. "It is the most important thing on earth. It's needed to sustain life."

Salty love (Sangwoo x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora