Random info from the last month

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So much has happened since I last wrote which includes my brother testing positive for coronavirus. I got quarantined for two weeks and almost missed out on thanksgiving🥺. Quite frankly during the two weeks I wanted to choke slam people and I was so bored I did nothing but sleep and only homework for 2 classes. I missed three mfing one act performances and one of them was at a school with hot guys and I didn't get to see my friends. One act wise I'm so behind and we have districts in 4 days🤭😰. Let's here about my favorite *note sarcasm* class APush I came back from two weeks to a 6 page packet and a god damn WRITING ASSIGNMENT wtf if I didn't hate him before I do now and don't even get me started on his "teaching" he doesn't fucking teach he gives us papers with vocabulary and questions and sets us free then tells us the answers a few days later but expects us to be ready for a 30 something question test that is almost not  related to a single one if those GODDAMN PAPERS. Quarantine is horrible I highly don't recommend my teachers didn't even email what I was supposed to do other than the two classes I did so I was lost and I missed like 3 quizzes in my Algebra two class which is so hard he hasn't explained really anything to me either he gave me a packet with the answer key and said if you get stuck ask me for help and all of the content was stuff I missed when I was fucking quarantined like what the actual fucckkkk . Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.

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