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*akaashi feels insecure about his fingers and finally talks to you about it*


you and akaashi have been dating for a couple of months and both of you have been happy. you couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. he's the sweetest guy you've ever met even though he doesn't give off too much excitement, but you were fine with that. right now the two of you were walking to your class; he had a different class than you, but always walked you to yours first. in the hallways you hear some people laugh and mumble things not really sure what they were saying, but you could tell that they were talking about akaashi since they kept staring and pointing.

akaashi had also noticed the stares and laughter and kept his head down in embarrassment. you glared at the students that were making fun of them and wish you could do more than that. instead of paying attention to them you payed attention to your perfect boyfriend, holding his hand and squeezing it with reassurance. he looked down at the feel of your hand in his and slightly smiled.

once he dropped you off in class, you couldn't help but wonder what the classmates were saying about akaashi.

how could anyone make fun of akaashi?

he's the sweetest boy ever.

i just hope he doesn't think about it too much.

the bell rang signaling that school was over. you walked off to your locker, putting away your books and taking whatever books you need for homework. you noticed bokuto walking towards you and waited for him to catch up.

"y/n!" he huffed and puffed as he finally reached up to you. he hugged you tightly like he always does and slightly picked you up.

"hey bokuto." you greeted with a smile. bokuto could walk through any kind of room and put a smile on anyone's face with his enthusiastic personality.

"have you noticed akaashi?" he asked his whole happy and energetic self became quiet and upsetting.

you nodded with a sigh, "i'm not sure what's wrong with him."

"i don't like to see akaashi upset, it makes me upset." his hair fell down along with a frown appearing on his face. you rubbed his back a little as you started to walk towards the gym.

"maybe he'll feel better when he plays volleyball." you tried to cheer up bokuto not wanting both of your favorite boys to be so upset. ever since you started hanging out with akaashi, bokuto was of course there most times—not that you minded. you actually enjoyed his company whether akaashi was there or not. and bokuto quickly liked you in a friendly manner. you were like his second akaashi.

"agaaashiii!!" bokuto shouted just as he seen akaashi walk into the gym. he ran towards him and greeted him with his famous death squeezing hug, picking him up and spinning him around like he did to you earlier. he quickly pulled akaashi in to hurry up and get ready for practice.

"they're such polar opposites, yet they're a perfect duo."

you thought to yourself, taking a seat on the bench. you soon noticed all the boys coming out of the locker rooms and began doing their normal stretches before getting into practice.

"alright guys for the ten minutes we have left we'll do a practice game." the coach blew the whistle as they split off into even numbers for a little practice game.

you noticed akaashi not being himself for the whole practice; he wasn't putting much effort into hitting the ball. his sets seemed lazy and awful. before the game started you could see akaashi staring down at his hands instead of focusing on the game.

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