Chapter 3: Good News For Ishme

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Aanepada taught me how to play a lyre, an awesome instrument. Sumerians love music. It's one of their favorite things in arts. Sometimes, I see people in the streets, beating on drums or playing pipes. It sounds fun, and I see people being entertained by it. So Aanepada decided to teach me how to, even though she hated me. One day, I was at Ishme and Aanepada's house with my parents. We were having  a delicious feast of vegetable stew, plums, mulberries, and mouth-watering cakes made from flour and butter, and dates and raisins. I devoured the food quickly, and thanked Aanepada for the meal she gave us. Her red lips formed a little smile as she noticed how polite I was being. We heard a loud knock on the door, and Ishme yanked the door open. A lady with wrinkles on her face and eyes that almost buldged out their sockets says a shaky 'Hello'. We stared at her.

"Ishme, the King admires your artwork! He has seen it many times, and asks you if you want to go to his palace and stay become his servant!" the woman announced to us. Aanepada had her lips in an 'o'.

"It would be great for you to live there, husband! I hear you get treated there very well, even if you are a servant!" she whispered to him, gasping.

"But will I ever see you again?" Ishme asked Aanepada worriedly. She gave a nod and jerked her head towards the woman.

"I'm sure I can go live with him, right?" she questioned the woman in a sharp tone. The woman shook her head slowly.

"I'm afraid not,but you can visit!" the woman gulped, hoping Aanepada wouldn't scream. But Aanepada just stood still like a statue nearby. Aanepada spoke to Ishme in a low voice. I could hear it.

"I have an idea! You can go! I'll visit you, I promise! I just want the best for you," she hissed, her eyes wide. Ishme hesitated, but then finally agreed. He said,

"Okay." After that, he disappeared with the woman, without saying goodbye to my parents or I, only Aanepada...

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