It was in moments like this that he felt how raggedly the lack of slumber was edging on him. He wanted to curl up in his room and cry or scream. He was losing his brother, Aang, and one of his dearest friends Ty Lee. Iroh and Toph were to be killed. Sokka may never speak to him again, nor would Katara or Suki or Besu or any other girl who would be able to so easily see that this was wrong.

Everything was slipping through his fingers.

He knew he was not allowed near his Uncle at all, but he could not bear the thought of never getting to hug him one last time, or even try to. His execution, along with Toph's, was set to occur in an hour.

Zuko wanted to puke.

He'd managed to bribe a guard to let him know when Iroh was being taken to the arena, which was now slated to be a site of death. He lingered in the halls until he heard the four guards coming through and the sounds of his Uncle's chains. Sure, Iroh could easily take them down, but where would he go? They were taking him through narrow halls with little access and he'd maybe get a couple of seconds before more guards would be called and it would all be over.

"-try that new place down in the middle ring?" one guard asked another.

"Yeah, but it was too spicy for me," a second said, "My date liked it though. Was 'kay, I guess."

"Oh, c'mon, that place is fantastic. Their noodle dish is perfect!"

Zuko wanted to punch them; they were bringing General Iroh to his death and they were talking about food? Though, perhaps it was just another day in the palace for them...

He slid into the small hallway. Two guards walked in front of Iroh and two walked behind, boxing him in. He looked up at Zuko's footsteps, and there was a sense of relief like he'd expected Zuko to be there. Then, he tilted his head, as though confused once he took a second to see who it really was.

Zuko was entirely distracted by the person behind Iroh, however. It was Aiga; carrying Iroh's Fire Nation garb that his father wanted him beheaded in. It was meant to make a statement.

"What...what's she doing here?" Zuko asked, wondering why they'd pulled her away from Katara for this.

"Huh? Well, I'm not gonna carry his stuff. It's heavy," one of the guards snorted, though that wasn't the question Zuko had exactly meant.

"No, I mean, why...her?"

"Wasn't doing much in the kitchens. Figured this was a better use of her time," the third guard said flippantly. Zuko tilted his head. He knew that many guards looked down on maids, trying to feel superior in some way, even though they were treated just as unjustly in many matters, but were they so haughty that they didn't know the difference between a handmaid and a kitchen maid?

"But she's not-"

Aiga caught his eyes. She gave a sharp shake of her head. Stop asking questions, she mouthed to him, leaving him more mystified.

His Uncle made no motion at all. He seemed purposely like he was not meeting Zuko's gaze, but rather something beyond Zuko.

"With all due respect, I'm not sure you're supposed to be here, Prince Zuko," one of the guards said apologetically, moving closer to Iroh, as though they expected Zuko to try to fight him out.

"I just...can't I even have a second with him?" Zuko sounded like a child, he knew. He was sure that this look was unbecoming for a Prince, but he was out of options.

The guard looked at Zuko with sympathy. "Your father's orders. You know that. He trumps your wishes."

Zuko exhaled, trying to keep himself together. He was not about to admit defeat, but at the same time, Iroh wasn't even looking at him. He felt alone, more so than ever.

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