Prank Gone Wrong [Part 3]

Start from the beginning

"NAJARIN, GARV, TARTAREK, IT'S THAT REALLY YOU???!!!! I'M GLAD TO SEE YOU!!! COME!!!!" said Funkdo, as he gets up out of his throne seat, walks in towards them smiling. 

Najarin, Garv, and Tartarek's eyes widened as he remembers them for so many years. They hugged each other. Then he hugs others except Chaor, Prince Mudeenu, and Odu Bathax not accepting hugs for the stinking person.

"How rude!!" Funkdo pouts, disappointment. 

"GUYS!!! SHOW SOME RESPECT FOR OUR OLD FRIEND, WILL YOU!!!" yelled Garv; glaring at Chaor, Odu-Bathax and Prince Mudeenu.

"Fine..." The three both spoke at the same time when they decided to hug Funkdo. 

"That's better." said Funkdo; grinning. 

"It's so nice to see you, old friend. We thought you had died!!" said Najarin; grinning with relief.

"Yeah, how did you still survive. We saw you fall down the fog a few decades earlier!!!" said Tartarek; grinning with tears of joy. 

"I was, when suddenly, I grabbed the huge vine then landed on the rock wall falling down injured. But then, I found other smelly creatures who is one of my kind, took me in when I fainted. They nourished me trying to take care of me. They've found out that I was the lost royal family of this Overworld Tribe!!!" Funkdo explained.

Najarin, Garv, Tartarek and the rest of the men and warriors both eyes widened as their jaws open. They shook their heads and gasped to hear the news. Now they know the truth about Funkdo, Maxxor walks towards him.

"Well, Funkdo, it was great now knowing that you're alive after all these decades. But we need your help for our mission." said Maxxor.

"Oh, sure thing. What's the problem???" said Funkdo.

Maxxor explain to him about everything of what just happens to Perim by one of his, Mommark, Najarin, and Tartarek's Overworlder tribe named, Yokkis who is causing havoc upon Perim and now they need his help to stop him before he destroyed the world all because of April Fools.

Funkdo and the guards eyes widened in fear as they looked at each other murmuring. Funkdo clearly understands why they've arrived in the depth of the cave. The reason why they're here is because they need the DNA Restoration plants to restore Yokkis' old DNA before he causes more trouble. And so, after the explanation, he now decided to help them out.

"Wow!! I have no idea one of your Overworlder is doing all so cruelty even though I would never do such a horrible thing to you guys during prank day."

"So, that's why we came here in the depth of caves to find the plants before it's too late." said Narfall.

"I see that now. Alright, in that case, I'll give you the plants. However, there might be a reason to defeat him."

"And what's that??" Tiaane said, raising his right eyebrow.

"In order to defeat him, you must become as a pranksters. Simple how it goes. Haven't you pranked anyone before??"

"Actually... we didn't." Mommark frowned.

"Then maybe now it's the time I should teach you guys with a song."

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