4. Always Here For You

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The next few days went by pretty quickly with multiple of sessions, both thrilling and tiring at the same time. At times, Eun Hye could get carried away by her patients' life and mental struggles. It also seemed like watching a drama, helping her to forget her own drama. There were a few patients that spoke of their lost family members, and at those sessions, she cringed with so much emotion. Tae Jun was always on her mind and it hurt to know that Eun Hye associated everything around her to her younger brother. Maybe that was why she wanted to become a psychiatrist; to help herself overcome her traumatic past and to control those unbearable emotions.

It was a Friday night, about to leave her office. Right when she was stepping out of the door, Eun Hye's phone notified with a text message. She read it and immediately knew who it was from.

[TEXT] Hey, meet me at the usual lounge in 30 mintues.

She looked at the time, seeing that it would be 7:30 for the meeting time. It would only take her 15 mintues to walk down to the local lounge near her office. With that thought in mind, she started to walk towards the direction of the lounge.

Friday night consisted of many young party goers galavanting throught the city. There wasn't a minute that passed by without Eun Hye seeing young girls wearing short skirts and strutting in high heels. She honestly never had the desire to be like one of those girls. At that age, she only focused on her studies and never went out with friends. To be honest, Eun Hye never had any close friends. Since Tae Jun's kidnapping, it was hard for her to trust people and to be safe around anyone. She was content of being by herself.

Friday night was also a time for couples to spend time together. As Eun Hye walked through the streets, she saw a lot of hand holding, joyful laughters, hugging and kissing. She liked seeing couples happy, but she felt jealous at times. Eun Hye wanted a special person in her life, but she had no idea what romance was like. Sure, she had study how couples live and communicate with each other in their relationships, but she didn't know what the magic and fantasy behind romance. She didn't know the signs or even where to find it. Even if love was standing right in front of her, Eun Hye would probably be too blind and naive to see it.

Eun Hye finally arrived to the lounge. It used to be a run-downed building a couple of years ago, but had been renovated into an urban, modern establishment. She was surprised that it wasn't too crowded tonight, but she liked it that way. She walked up to the hostess and was immediately escorted her to the top floor, called The Galaxy. That was Eun Hye's favorite floor. The hostess seated her in an empty booth that wrapped around three sides of the table. She sat down comfortably and instantly looked up above her.

This was what she loved about this place. Eun Hye could see the small, twinkling stars that shined brightly against the lights of Seoul. The glass ceiling made it easy for anyone that was looking to stargaze without having to travel so far out of the city. As she laid back her head a bit, she realized how much she missed her home. Only there, Eun Hye was able to sit on the roof during the blissful summer nights and watch the stars for hours. There were even occasions that her younger brother joined her in those endless hours of stargazing. And now for the past seven years, Eun Hye looked and wished on every shooting star that Tae Jun would come back into her life soon.

Suddenly, she noticed a dark shadow overcasting her and turned to see a familiar person.

"Have you waited long?"

"Ah, Detective Park." Eun Hye nodded and lightly smiled. "Not too long."

"Now, how many times did I say to not call me that?" The male teased. "I'm Joon Gi to you."

She playfully shook her head, having to accept that fact. "Fine then. Have a seat. Let me order you a drink."

Joon Gi sat down on the opposite side of the table and looked at the drink menu. He leaned back comfortably and sighed at the same menu, already knowing what he wanted.

The Happiness Project [Jungkook x OC]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon