chapter 2

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    The sound of a chest could be heard tumbling down the stairs as Harry held it, Y/N hot on his tail. The two had spent the last hour or so packing things into a trunk for him to get ready to go to Y/N's for the rest of summer, though it seemed they were stopped short at the bottom as an angry looking Vernon approached them.

    "You bring her back," Vernon yelled as he blocked the bottom of the staircase, taking Y/N and Harry aback a bit as they stumbled though the raven-haired boy only seemed to give a scoff at his words. "You bring her back now and you put her right!"

    "No! She deserved what she got," Harry insisted as his eyebrows furrowed in anger, but soon felt himself be pushed back when Vernon lunged at him, though his hands didn't make any contact as he and Y/N drew their wands from their pockets. Harry gave a snarl as Vernon backed away, putting his hands up in the air. "Keep away from us."

    "You're not allowed to do magic outside of school," Vernon reminded with his wavering voice as he backed away from the end of the staircase, giving them space to descend the rest of it near the front door.

    "Yeah? Try us," Harry but back challengingly.

    "They won't let you back now. You've nowhere here to go," Vernon stated again as he started to back up towards a scared and antsy looking Petunia and Dudley who stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

    "Oh, I think he's welcome to live with us any time," Y/N retaliated as she rose her wand again, making Vernon stumble back a bit more as she let out a scoff, "And besides, anyone can see that anywhere is better than here. C'mon, Har."

Harry said nothing as she reached down and grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the door and opening it before pulling him out of the house. She let out a huff as she then closed the door, shooting the three inside one last glare before she did.

She turned back around, gesturing for Harry to follow her as they made their way across the front lawn and onto the pavement of the street, crossing it before they neared the curb. Though she didn't keep walking as Harry looked at her confused when he stopped. "Where are we going?"

"Away from them," she answered as she kept walking down the road, sparing him a glance over her shoulder, "I'll text Mum and Dad to pick us up somewhere else, wherever we end up when they're done picking up those few things they ran out for. Anywhere to get away from those looney people."


Seconds of walking soon turned into minutes as Y/N and Harry made their way further down the street, the sky now dark and moon now lit overhead. The squeaks of the wheels on Harry's trunk could be heard as they walked further and further, until they eventually neared the end of a road that spilled out into a small intersection.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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