"____! Oh thank god he's crazy-"

"You run your mouth too much," you said.

ou said. The water from the tub surrounded her head, and she screamed.

"Stop, or you'll drown," You taunted emotionlessly. You released the water around her right before she could drown. She coughed and gasped for air.


"That's my girl!" Sangwoo said with a smile.

"You alright?" you said.

She tried to push you out of the way, but you kicked her down the stairs. Then, you slowly walked down the stairs and stepped on the back of her neck.

"So you call me fat, screw my man, then punch him in the face? Who the fuck do you think you are?!" You hissed while glaring down at her.

Sangwoo looked at you with a smile. "I love you so much," He said.

You put more pressure on the back of her neck and she screamed. "____ you don't have to do this! Please!"

You kneeled down and grabbed her hair. "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll drown you."

"How could you?" She cried.

Everything was quiet. The kelp swayed gently with the tide, as did her hair. A little girl sat up and groggily looked around.

"Mom?" She muttered as she looked around. Her clothes were torn, but there were no injuries on her body. The scars and bruises that had spread all across her arms and torso were just gone.

"What happened?" She muttered as she stood up. She looked around.

"Mom?" She called again. She wondered closer to the kelp, looking around for any signs of life, or anything that could tell her what happened before she awoke.

She saw someone standing in the distance. "Lord Kaname?"

"Areum," he said. "You did this?"

She paused and looked down. Crabs, worms, and other sea scavengers crawled all over the corpse at his feet.

"How could you?" He said.

"I-It was an accident I didn't-" She sobbed. "I didn't mean to."

You dropped her head and stood up. Your eyes widened and your hands shook.

"____?" Sangwoo said.

"I'm not a killer," you said. "Not again."

"What do you mean?"

You stiffly walked up the stairs and back into the bathroom.

The doors were open, so you could hear everything that happened after that.


"Bum, come down here," Sangwoo said. "Be careful."

"Sangwoo I'm sorry," she cried. "Sangwoo, I won't tell anyone about this. I'll quit school and live like a dead rat! I'll do anything!"

"Anything?" Sangwoo said. "Anything is good."

"Sangwoo?" Bum said.

"Have sex with Bumi," Sangwoo said. "Then, I'll send you home.

"I'll do it!" She cried.

"Really?" Sangwoo said with a fake shocked expression. "Can you really? Even though his face is skinny and ugly?"

Salty love (Sangwoo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now