Day 2: Swordplay

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So this is posted in the morning, for me, because I have to endure torture. My mom is making me do cheerleading! I don't want to do that. It's sort of embarrassing, plus I have to wear a skirt. Who likes wearing skirts?

Damian went to the front of the class to get to Mrs. Bustier. When walking there, he saw Adrien, former cat miraculous holder, in the front with another girl who was holding her hands all around his bicep. The man looked uncomfortable. Good. At least he gets payback for not protecting his city.

"Welcome to the class! I'm Mrs. Bustier and this is your new class and hopefully your new friends! Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

Damian turned his body to face the class. He looked bored and glared at the class, making them think that he wasn't someone who wanted to have friends. Only one person, the person directed it at, noticed his eyes seemed to soften at Marinette when he looked at her.

"My name is Damian Wayne." He said, bluntly. Only one person in the back seemed to know who he was. Good to know that people didn't keep up with famous people in America.

Mrs. Bustier was looking at him to continue and to tell the class more about him, but he didn't. He didn't feel the need to since he probably wouldn't like them anyways, no matter how nice they may seem.

"Well since you're done, you can sit next to Marinette. Since she is class president, she'll show you around after class." Marinette was going to ignore the fact that she resigned and that Lila was the new one. It's not like anyone noticed. She really wanted to know why she was interested in this guy.

Damian went up and sat next to her. Neither were complaining. There was something that made them, they didn't know how to describe it. Like they wanted to know each other? Whatever it was, it was a good feeling.

Class officially started then. Damian became bored quickly because he already knew what the teacher was talking about. He looked over at Marinette, twenty minutes into class, and saw that she wasn't taking notes, but she was sketching something.

"Is class always this boring?" Damian whispered to the girl in English.

"How'd you know I speak English?" Mari asked.

"Call it a hunch." Damian responded.

Marinette didn't question it. "Yeah. I'm way ahead of them. The only time I actually get to learn is during science and math class. She is like the only good teacher in this school."

Damian shrugged. He couldn't give an opinion about her since he had never had her before.

"Marinette. Can you tell me what we're talking about right now?" Mrs. Bustier asked. She had seen that the two were talking.

Marinette answered it without hesitating on the answer. She had also gotten it right, making Mrs. Bustier flustered.

"That's good." She went back to teaching. 

Marinette and Damian went back to talking for the rest of class. Chloe and Sabrina saw how the two of them were acting with each other and smiled. One of their best friends deserved happiness and a new friend.

Randomly in between the lesson, Adrien stole a glance to the back. He saw how Marinette and Damian communicated. It was like they were old friends. Adrien had thought that Marinette had told him that Lila was a liar. She wasn't supposed to do that! She was supposed to take the high road, like he was doing. He would have to talk to her about that.


When Mrs. Bustier's class was finally over, Damian and Marinette had officially become friends. Damian had heard Lila's lies and was .2 seconds away from killing her.

When walking to Ms. Mendelev's class, Damian got introduced to Sabrina and Chloe. He would call them good acquaintances at best since they didn't believe the liar and since the girl who knew who he was, Chloe, didn't ask him about anything.

When they arrived at Ms. Mendelev's class, she sat him down somewhere and taught the lesson. Even if he knew it, he liked how she handled her class since she didn't handle tomfoolery. She was strict and he liked it.

After her class was over, it was time for lunch. Marinette and the other two had invited him to come eat with them. He accepted it without a problem. Marinette had told him that they were going to her parent's bakery, but they needed to pick up another one of her friends.

The group of four had stopped in front of the school and waited for someone. Damian didn't know who they were waiting for, so he just stood against the wall of the school.

"Kagami! Over here! I got something to tell you." Marinette called out.

Damian looked to see who was coming over to them. When he looked over at her, he saw famous fencer, Kagami Tsurugi. Damian was wondering how Marinette knew these people. The mayor's daughter, the chief police daughter, and now a Tsurugi.

When Kagami came over, she saw Damian. One of her eyebrows shot up.

"Kagami, this is my new friend Damian. Damian, this is one of my best friends, Kagami." Marinette introduced.

Kagami looked him up and down. "Do you, perhaps, know how to fence." Kagami asked. Marinette, Chloe, and Sabrina sighed. Kagami looked at her other three friends. "I'm just trying to see if he's worthy of Mari-hime."

"I dabble in swordplay." Damian responded to Kagami, making the other three girls groan.

"If someone dies, this isn't on my hands." Marinette muttered.

"I want to challenge you. If you win or even get close to winning, I will allow you to be friends with her. I don't need her having any incompetent friends." Kagami finished. Damian nodded, accepting the challenge, while the other girls sighed.

"Come on. I want lunch before I have to deal with you two." Marinette said.

The group of five went to head to Marinette's parent's bakery. They were all ready to get away from the terrible school that four of them had to attend.

I am happy that I check this before I posted this. My sister is at home when I'm at school since she's on quarantine. So when I was writing and reading, she put that Damian said that you should answer what I say or I will spike your drink like my mother did to my father or I'll kill you in your sleep. I really don't know how I'm related to her.


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