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„Wooow!“ Carrie smiled immediately, when she looked out the huge window in her bedroom.
It woke Harrison up. He opened his eyes and winked.

„What?“ Ford asked.

„There's sooo much snow, Harry! It's white like coccaine!“

It made him laugh. He loved her sense of humor and her strenght in talking about her addictions. One of the biggest reasons he loved her that much.

„So, go outside.“ Harrison smiled, „Enjoy the coccaine.“

Carrie jumped up happilly, dressed in his sweather and jacket and ran outside. Harrison heard her laughing and must've smile.
After finally kicking himself out of the bed, the most handsome man in the industry dressed up too and made his way out of the house.

So this was the first of 24 short winter/Christmass themed stories!
Hope you enjoyed it,

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