Running Out Of Time

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"Am I ever going to be healed, Amethyst?" I ask her as she looks up at me. I felt terrified by her expression that had covered her face within seconds. I looked straight into her eyes, something that I wish I hadn't done. I could tell her emotions based on her expression and eyes. She was afraid, afraid of what would happen, what we were supposed to do. I knew what we needed to do. But I didn't want to. This all started when I came down here, so the logical solution would be to go back to Homeworld. But, Yellow's on Homeworld.

Who knows what Yellow would do to me? I had so many questions, but, honestly, the main question had yet to be answered. "Did you hear me, Amethyst?" I ask her, trying to be patient. I was holding back my tears as we continue to look at each other. "Am I ever getting healed, or am I stuck like this?" I repeat looking down at her. She looks down at my arm, and then down at her's. I look along with her, I see that my arm still hasn't changed back to its natural color. And then I glance over at Amethyst's arm that has now turned a darker shade of purple.

"You were scared of me, weren't you? Aren't you?" I asked her, afraid of her answer. She was about to respond, but hesitated. I started to shed tears as I slowly start walking backward, towards Little Homeschool so that I could use the warp pad and get out of here. "Azure, it's not like that, I-" I didn't let her finish. I was furious, afraid, and lost in all of this. Is this what Earth does to specific gems after a while? If I go back to Homeworld, will this all go away? If I go back to Homeworld, will Yellow still be there?

I felt like I needed to risk that chance of Yellow being there. I couldn't stand this anymore. "What did I expect? For all we know, I could have the power to devastate entire worlds, universes even." I explained as her face grew with terror. I felt like I was going insane just saying those words, me, more powerful than the Diamonds? That's not possible, right? "You probably want me as far away from you as possible, right?" I ask her, feeling as though I already knew the answer. "Azure, just-"

"I DON'T CARE ANYMORE!!" I interrupt her as I run faster and faster towards Little Homeworld so that I can take the warp pad back to Homeworld. I close my eyes, sobbing furiously. I open one eye to take a peek at my arm, it got darker. I run past a few gems on the way, I can hear their thoughts. They were terrified of me, scared that they would catch the virus too. I was confused. I ran up to them, "What virus?" I ask them nervously. They were confused, but surely enough, answered to my horror.

"It's called the Hyper-Shade Virus. It currently doesn't affect gems that are used to Earth's atmosphere, but gems like you, will catch it easily." One of them explains. I was terrified by it, by what I had just heard. I had a virus? A virus caused all of this? "Is there a cure? Something, anything?" I ask them furiously, frustrated, angry, afraid. All of these emotions took over my head as I look at my other arm, it was also turning a darker shade of blue. I was terrified of what might come next. The Diamonds were really my only option besides Steven. But I couldn't go back to him, what if Amethyst's there? I don't want to hurt her, but if I get near her, what happens to her?

But, if the virus only affects gems not used to Earth's atmosphere, then why is it affecting Amethyst? Amethyst's been on Earth for thousands of years, right? Wait, is she hiding something from us? I need to get out of here. I didn't want anything to do with Earth, now more than ever. I had heard that Gems loved it here on Earth, but I hated it now. It was causing me so much pain and suffering. I just wanted to relax, paint the beautiful mountains, the luscious hills, the wondrous night sky. Those were my plans until now. Now, I just wanted off of this planet, away from Earth.

How did the Diamonds not catch this Hyper-Shade Virus? They've barely ever been on Earth and they aren't getting any of the symptoms I have. I felt exaughsted, so exaughsted that I didn't even notice that I had ran maybe a few miles away from Little Homeworld, which is just in the woods next to it. I was kind of relieved by it, now I could just sit down and think. But I was still worried. Was it too late for a cure if there is one? How much time do I have left until-


I couldn't finish that thought, I felt a brutal blow to my back as I fall over, gem poofed. But, I could still move around as if I wasn't poofed. I look to see who had done it, the face looked familiar to say the least. But, I couldn't quite see who it was. I had a feeling though, I feel like it might've been Yellow. But I wasn't sure, it could've been anyone else, but I had to think it was her. Who else would do this? She ran further into the woods with remarkable speed. I followed them. They stopped in a wide open area that another person was waiting for them in.

"I found her, I have her gem," The person I had followed said as they gave my gemstone to the other. "Thanks, now go find the other one." That voice, it was, ominous, not ominous in a way that it was scary. But in a way that I had heard that voice before. It was definitely Yellow, and I knew who she was going after next. But there was almost nothing I could do about it. I didn't have my gemstone anymore, I was invisible to anyone and everyone. I heard the gem that had been waiting there start talking about the Hyper-Shade Virus.

She said that she knew the cure, that she had the cure, but was questioning if she wanted to use it on herself or not. "I'm running out of time to figure this out!" She screamed in pain. "As soon as I came here and saw her, this has been happening." She said aloud. "So it is contagious," I whisper. She looked up as if she had heard me. In shock and fear, I hide behind a tree as I listen carefully so that I can know if she starts walking in my direction. "I know you're here Azure, I will find you," She says hastily. I can hear her start sprinting towards me.

I run as fast as I could toward Little Homeworld to find Amethyst. I knew that Yellow and that other gem were trying to find her. I needed to stop them. I couldn't let them hurt-

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