FEAR character 2

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Y/n woke up later that night, then she feels a rush on cold air you turn your head and saw the window was open "maybe I forgot to close the window"you said to yourself and gets up and walk to the window shutting it and lock it, then you look outside and see the same man you saw in the woods, you froze in your place then the man run away when he spotted you, you back away from the window and dashes to the closet getting your gun "AHHHHH!" Y/n ran the living room and see luna shaking, you run to luna and hug her "Are you okay?" You said cupping her cheeks. "the man fallowing us is in here, his in the closet!" Luna shaking you quickly grab her by the hand and quickly drag the poor shaking girl behind you, you made it out of the closet and shut the door. Hoping the man would leave
Then you hearing foot steps.

And a loud giggles "oh come out angel~" tanner shouted while walking around looking for you "Y/n I want you and only you" he said walking into your room, luna whimpers and shaking you cover her mouth "shhhhh" still holding your hand to her mouth then the footstep a front of the closet "I found you sunshine" opening the closet door when the closet door slam he smiles like a damn crazy person, you pick up the gun and aiming it to him.

You where In fear more then fear. Your in terror.

𝑀𝓎 𝐹𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒜𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁 YandereTanner x readerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat