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Down the scp wormhole I go. If I get the format wrong, rip. All these scps are made up, I just button mashed the numbers

Under direct orders of the founder, access is limited to those with level 3 clearance. 

Item #: [REDACTED]

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-[REDACTED] is to be contained at Area [REDACTED]. It is to be held in SCP-3482, a perfect copy of Earth. SCP-[REDACTED] is to never be brought to the outside world in order to prevent an AK-class end of the world scenario. 

Description: Scp-[REDACTED] is an scp made up for 4 different subjects. Scp-[REDACTED]-1, Scp-[REDACTED]-2, Scp-[REDACTED]-3, Scp-[REDACTED]-4, and Scp-[REDACTED]-5 

Scp-[REDACTED]-1 is a 32 year old male humanoid with blonde hair, green eyes, and a scruff beard. It has grey wings attached to us back which are able to glide, but not fly. It always wears a green t-shirt, green sweater, and dark green pants with grey slippers. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-1 has the ability to survive in any situation and seems to be immortal. Any attempt by the foundation to terminate the subject has failed, as Scp-[REDACTED]-1 seemingly "disappears," according to the D-class personnel that have been in contact with the anomaly. Scp-[REDACTED]-1 has never killed anyone, it has only heavily injured anything.  

Scp-[REDACTED]-1 has been observed to be a fatherly figure to Scp-[REDACTED]-2, Scp-[REDACTED]-3, Scp-[REDACTED]-4, and Scp-[REDACTED]-5, mostly taking care of them and keeping them from creating trouble.

Scp-[REDACTED]-2 is a 20 year old male humanoid with long pink hair tied into a braid. Scp-[REDACTED]-2 wears a formal white shirt and a red cloak with white fur on its edges, along with a red cloth belt, black sweatpants, and black boots. It always wears a pink boar mask. Any attempt to take the mask off has failed due to [REDACTED]. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-2 has the ability to use any weapon, no matter the type. It seems to go into a killing frenzy whenever angered, killing anyone and anything in its way. Scp-[REDACTED]-2 has been used to terminate Scp-2846-1 and Scp-2846-2. Any organism to try and stop Scp-[REDACTED]-2 has died. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-2 has been observed to be cold and un-sympathetic, having a monotone voice and seemingly un-caring for anything. Scp-[REDACTED]-2 shows heavy distaste for Scp-[REDACTED]-4 at some points, wanting to get away from it. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-3 is a 24 year old male humanoid with brown curly hair, hazel eyes, black reading glasses, and a yellow beanie. It wears a yellow sweater, grey pants, and red sneakers. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-3 has the ability to play any instrument. Any listener will fall into a trance, being unable to stop listening. If the music ever stops, the listener will fall into a deep coma, unable to wake up no matter what. The receiver is unable to communicate with anyone, as no info has been gathered on what the receiver feels or sees when in the coma-like state.

Scp-[REDACTED]-3 has been observed to be caring for the rest of them, though it seems to have a strong love-hate relationship with Scp-[REDACTED]-4. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-4 is a 16 year old male humanoid with blonde hair and blue eyes. It wears a white and red t-shirt, blue sweatpants, and white sneakers. Occasionally the Scp will change into a black and white business suit, though the changing has never been witnessed and according to those who have been in contact with it while changing, it "happens suddenly." They state that they don't realize it ever changed until after it happens and never remember when or how it occurred. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-4 has an uncanny ability to lie, with the recipient being completely brainwashed to believe everything Scp-[REDACTED]-4 says. Scp-[REDACTED]-4 can also read the mind of any human no matter what, being able to tell lies based on what the subject is thinking. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-4 has been observed to be loud and obnoxious, using its ability whenever possible. Scp-[REDACTED]-4 seems to have a strong bond with Scp-[REDACTED]-5, alternating in between being mean and being nice to Scp-[REDACTED]-5 at random occurances. Scp-[REDACTED]-4 also has been observed to hate social situations in unknown places, being more confident around the foundation staff and other anomalies within Scp-[REDACTED]. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-5 is a 16 year old male humanoid with brown hair and brown eyes. It wears a greet t-shirt, blue shorts, and green sneakers. Various plants grow around the scp, the most prominent ones being a dandelion growing in its right eye and rose vines growing around its left leg. Bees seem to be attracted to Scp-[REDACTED]-5, swarming around it at different times. Any attempt to remove the plants from Scp-[REDACTED]-5's body has failed as the bees will show signs of aggression and stings them until they leave or die. Any clothing that would normally prevent bees from stinging the subject do not work. Smoking the bees make them fall asleep but as soon as any organism comes in contact with Scp-[REDACTED]-5, they will wake up. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-5 has no special abilities besides its use of bees. It doesn't seem to be able to control them. Scp-[REDACTED]-5 has never presented any sign of aggression towards any foundation members or scps. 

Scp-[REDACTED]-5 has been observed to be kind, mostly to Scp-[REDACTED]-4. Scp-[REDACTED]-5 seems to have a great connection with Scp-[REDACTED]-4. However, Scp-[REDACTED]-5 is extremely [REDACTED]. 

Scp-[REDACTED] is contained in a copy of Earth. In the alternate world, they take up the role of social media influencers on the site Youtube. They are known as "Philza, Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit (Tommy), and Tubbo." They form a group in the world called the "Sleepy Boys Inc." though "Tubbo" is not officially part of it. Scp-[REDACTED] requested to be put in the alternate world with these roles, threatening to cause an AK-class end of the world scenario if declined. Scp-[REDACTED] now reside in this alternate world. They are never to be removed from this world unless permitted by the 05 council. 

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