Tobio looked at Oikawa expectantly.

"I was jealous. You were so young, but your skill level was slowly creeping up to mine, I got scared. Especially because I know my knee isn't going to ever heal fully, which meant I was at a disadvantage, and I saw how easily you could just replace me. Then when I was switched out in that practice match, I felt even worse. When you suddenly yelped in pain and I saw your mark fill in after you accidentally touched Hajime, I felt like you were going to replace me not just in volleyball, but with everything."

Tobio gulped, blinking away the tears.

"Why? Why the sudden change of heart? You didn't care three years ago."

Tobio saw how they almost flinched at the last remark.

"We... we realized how selfish we were, and that night, the one during your final middle school match, we went to watch that."

What? They went? That means they saw-

"What they did was a bit too far, but I couldn't really hate them, I treated you horribly, so I didn't have the right to be mad." Oikawa had such a pained face that Tobio felt a pang of hurt too.

"The that night, when the wall went down, we felt... hurt, overbearing pain, and we couldn't help but think that it's our fault. We know it sounds weird, soulbond don't let us feel your emotions, just see them from out marks, but we felt something..."

"So guilt? That's why you want me?"

"What- no! Well, uh, that's a part of it, yeah. But we seriously want you back. O-of course it's totally understandable if you hate us and never want to see our faces again."

"And uh- maybe it's because of...." Oikawa's voiced trailed off.

"Huh? Because of what?" Tobio tilted his head.

"It's also because of seeing you talk with this Akaashi person...." Oikawa's voice was still slow, but Tobio could slightly pick up on what he said.

"I'm sorry", Tobio smirked, "That wasn't clear?"

Oikawa pouted, "itmaybebecauseofseeingyoutalkwiththisakaashiperson."

"Ah-ah, too fast, couldn't hear you."


"Just say it properly Shittykawa", Iwaizumi commented, though Tobio could see how he was also embarrassed.

"We were jealous of seeing you talk to this "Akaashi" guy, okay?" Oikawa huffed, but his ears were tinted red.

"I see... so you felt guilty, and jealous, and that's why you want me?"

"What- no it's- fuck" OIkawa faced Iwaizumi. "Iwa-chan, we're so bad at this."

Iwaizumi sighed. To be honest, Tobio found this amusing. He forgave them a long time ago, but he wasn't sure if he should give them a chance. Now though, he had an idea.

"We know we were wrong, Kageyama. Please, give us a chance. Can we start over again?"

Tobio saw the sincerity in their eyes, and it was time to put his plan to fruition.


Hajime watched as Kageyama kept a scowl on his face. He would've deemed it as cute, if it weren't for the fact that that scowl was for him and Tooru. They already apologized as best as they could -not that is was a good apology, even Hajime would admit that it was average at best- and Hajime could feel his heart start to shatter with every second that passed as Kageyama continued to frown at the two boys.

Hajime could see in the corner of his eye how Tooru was fiddling with his fingers, eyes down at the floor because he was nervous. Hajime knew he was, because he was nervous too. Kageyama could reject them like they had him, he could say how much he hated them, he could say that he never wants to even hear their name and they wouldn't blame him. They could lose him because of some stupid decisions and childish thinking. Selfish thinking.

Kageyama has been silent for around five minutes now, Hajime and Tooru equally sweating and hearts pumping, and before Hajime could open his mouth to ask if he's ok, Kageyama-

Laughed. He laughed.

The corner of his eyes wrinkled slightly, his cheeks were tinted a light pink, and the laugh itself-

God, his laugh.

It was so soft, so melodic, so beautiful. Hajime has never heard Kageyama laugh like that before; usually he would just look away and cover his mouth, no sound would ever come out.

Hajime knows Tooru felt the same way, because he whispered "Hajime", ever so softly, Kageyama still giggling in front of them.

"I'm sorry- I'm sor- Sorry, sorry" Kageyama said in between his laughs.

"Ok..." Kageyama stopped laughing, his face turning back to his resting face -which is different from his unhappy frown Hajime noticed- and Hajime stiffened.

"One week." Kageyama said, lifting his index finger. "I'll give you one week, starting tomorrow."

Kageyama stood up, ready to leave.

"I'll decide by the end of the week", Kageyama walked off toward the cafe where Hajime and Tooru saw him with the little shrimp.

He stopped mid walk, turned his face toward the two boys.

"Impress me."

Incapable of Love | IwaOiKageWhere stories live. Discover now