Chapter 30: That Isn't Love

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Ever since Fuli got furious at Azaad for bringing up the subject about cubs, he hadn't dared to bring it up anymore since then. He figured that if he did, it would only convince Fuli even further to not go along with him, possibly to the point where she'll probably give him up all together.

Who knows? Maybe the Tree of Life will become a painful place that only continues to painfully remind her of her friend's death, that might just motivate her to leave. This seemed reasonable, Azaad concluded. Kinda like how I usually hate coming to the Tree because of what that savage beast did...

Azaad's ears flattened as he felt a familiar sadness, raw grief that he just couldn't seem to let go easily. It still hurt him to remember how the lions, the animals that were suppose to help and protect them, let themselves turn on his mother, their own friend, like that. It especially didn't help when he learned that Fuli was friends with them.

He then straightened. We are cheetahs! We have the wits and bravery of a true hunter. We fought our way to the top of the food chain with our great speed, our fire gives us all the strength and courage we need to survive! We can manage just fine on our own while lions need to depend on one another. We're far more tougher than anyone else realizes, we don't need anyone, especially lions. We don't need them, we don't need their lies on how they'll always help protect us from harm. 

The cheetah sighed deeply, I just wish Fuli can see that. I still can't believe she is willing to forgive them, even after all they have done to her in the past. For starlight's sake, she is in LOVE with one! She always denies it, but she loves that son of a bitch, even after he treated her like crap in the past! I don't understand why Fuli think's I'm the bad one while he's out there being a total ass towards her for trying to do the right thing.

Azaad shuddered. Hell, Kion literally attacked her just for trying to help, twice now! What an arrogant and prideful toad he is. And just like before with Sahvan, the stupid Night Pride didn't do anything about it, hell, Nirmala even told us to LET Kion continue fighting Fuli! Jackasses... Ugh, I don't know... Their dumb, superstitious beliefs are one thing, Fuli's fondness towards them despite their bullshit is something else I will never get, especially towards ones like Kion.

"You should really come by the Tree of Life again. It just wasn't the same without you, you know," a cold purr interrupted his thoughts.

He froze and whipped his head around, his pelt bristled and he growled when he saw a pair of ice blue eyes in the shadows glaring back at him.

"What are you doing here?" Azaad demanded, his anger boiling. "Haven't you done enough damage already? Haven't you tortured me enough?" 

"Gosh, I wish. But the thing about me is there's never enough," Badala replied smoothly as she padded out of the shadows, her pride closely following her.

"You should know better than anyone else, I'm never satisfied," Badala went on, now a tail-length away from Azaad. The cheetah shifted away, trying not to tremble.

"You already killed Rani," he finally said. "What more do you want?"  

"Azaad, I thought you already know," the lioness replied innocently.

"You know you can't win," Azaad snapped, his voice shaking a little. "Someone will find out your scheme soon, you and your pride will be busted and Kion will exile you."

"That's why I need you to help me not make that happen," Badala said.

Azaad froze. "Me?"

"Yes, I need you to help me to take out the Night Pride and take over the Tree of Life," Badala said. Azaad stared at the cream lioness with disbelief.

The Lion Guard: Desire of the Soul (KionxFuli)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin