Chapter 97-Reverse

Start from the beginning

"All right, the gloves ready. Question is who's gonna snap their freaking' fingers?" Rocket questioned, looking over to stark.

Natasha moved around slightly as she saw Thor start to walk up to the two with the glove. "I'll do it." Thor called out.

"Excuse me?" Natasha and tony both looked at the god in confusion.

"Whoa, stop right there buddy." Tony and cap stoped Thor, Natasha placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Thor. Just wait." Steve pleaded. "We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet."

"I'm sorry. What, we're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity." Thor shot back.

"We should at least discuss it. I know you wanna do this but please, you know what it's capable of." Natasha tried to reassure the god.

Thor looked at her before looking around the room at everyone. "Look, sittings here staring at the thing is not gonna bring everyone back."

'Not everyone.' Natasha thought sadly.

"I'm the strongest avengers, okay? So, this responsibility falls upon me." Natasha moved over slightly as tony tried to reason with Thor. "Stop it! Just let me. Just let me do it. Just let me do something good. Something right."

'Elliott wanted to do something good, and look at it. He's not here.' Natasha mentally cried as she remembered about her lover, she lightly touched her Diamond ring.

"Look, it's not just the fact that, that glove is Channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I'm telling you. You're in no condition." Tony wasn't being harsh, it was only the truth.

"What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?" Thor questioned.

"Cheez whiz?"

"Rhodes." Natasha sent him a death glare that made the man shut up.

Thor pointed at Rhodes annoyed, before his attention was on Tony. "Lightning."

"Lightning won't help you, pal." Natasha turned around to face Bruce. "It's gotta be me." Bruce shook his head slightly. "You saw what those stones did to thanos. They almost killed him. None of you could survive."

"Bruce, how do we know you will?" Natasha question worriedly, as she watched him walk over the glove.

"We don't. But the radiation's mostly gamma. It's like... I was made for this." Bruce picked up the glove and walked Over to the middle of the room.

Natasha moved over standing close to Clint.

"Let's do it." Bruce held onto the glove.

"Okay, remember. Everyone thanos snapped away five years ago... your just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last five years." Tony ordered calmly.

"Got it."

Natasha took a deep breath, as she braced herself for what was about to happen. Tony stood in front of the to agents, Tony's suit formed around his body, a holographic shield in front of the three.

"Friday do me a favor and activate barn door protocol, will ya?"

The doors and windows of the facility were then being covered by metal walls, Natasha cracked her knuckles before focusing on Bruce.

He slowly put on the glove, and instantly fell onto his knees in pain. Natasha flinched slightly seeing a friend of hers in pain. "Take it off! Take it off!" Thor panicked.

"No, wait. Bruce are you okay?" Steve interrupted.

"Talk to me banner."

"I'm okay." Natasha clinched her jaw together, as
She watched Bruce raise his arm in pain, yelling nearly at the top of his lungs. Seconds felt like hours until she Hurd the sound of a familiar snap.

Natasha panicked as as saw Bruce fall to the floor, his eyes rolled back. "Bruce!" Everyone ran forward, Clint kicked away the gauntlet while Tony tried to cool his arm down.

Natasha looked up at Clint. "Do you think it worked."

Clint was about to talk until the sound of a phone ringing made their head snap over the the sound. Clint and Natasha walked over the the phone quickly.

Laura. The caller ID read Laura! Natasha smiled softly, tears standing to form his her eyes as she watched Clint pull the phone to his ear. "H-hey."

The moment was short lived as a larger explosion shook the facility cracking the floor and sending the two agents falling into the dark.

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