Etiquette's Escape

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In mid-June, it was time for Ariadne to begin her "etiquette lessons," and as much as she was dreading what was sure to be an utterly boring time, Ariadne was also rather looking forward to seeing Astoria. She'd be taking her lessons at the Greengrass Estate, where Lady Greengrass had already hired a tutor for Astoria, who hadn't been able to complete her lessons before Hogwarts as she'd been too sick the summer before. Which was lucky for Ariadne, really, now that she didn't have to suffer through them alone.

The Greengrass Estate was very different from the Malfoy home. It was far less gothic, for one, instead appearing well-lit and modern, with a sleek white exterior. The inside was similar – there were hardware floors where the Malfoys had marble, with a minimalist design that still looked comfortably lived in. Ariadne caught Narcissa eyeing a portrait with slight distaste before smoothing her face into a polite mask once more. It was only then that Ariadne realized that the pictures on the wall did not move.

"Ariadne!" A voice called from around the corner. Astoria practically ran into the foyer to greet her. "I'm so glad you're here! It's been dread– hello, Lady Malfoy." Astoria caught sight of Narcissa and composed herself quickly, smoothing down the skirt of her white shift dress.

Narcissa smiled indulgently. "Hello, Astoria. Is your mother ready?"

A very pretty, petite woman walked around the corner. By their near identical features and light blonde hair, it was clear that this was Astoria's mother. She greeted Narcissa with a kiss on each cheek before turning her attention to Ariadne.

"You must be Ariadne! Welcome!"

Ariadne took a cue from Astoria, deciding to err on the side of formality. "Thank you for inviting me to your home, Lady Greengrass."

"Please, call me Elora," she said, before rolling her eyes a bit at herself. "Well, I suppose I shouldn't say that, considering you and Astoria are to be taking etiquette lessons. But it's been such a pain to drill manners into Astoria that it's easier to just let it drop altogether." She laughed, ignoring Astoria's indignant "Mum!"

"Taffy's left tea in the parlour for you both. That's where Madame Burke will meet you for your lesson at half-past, okay? I expect you both to be on your best behavior."

Narcissa laughed, a light tinkling noise that sounded of nostalgia and joy. "I don't envy the girls, Elora. Do you remember–"

"When you and I wouldn't stop gossiping so Madame Burke hit me with such a strong Babbling Curse that I told Rodolphus Lestrange that I had a crush on him even though he and Bellatrix were already betrothed? How could I forget after the Flipendo that your sister hit me with?"

Ariadne was surprised that Lady Greengrass had dared to interrupt Narcissa, but for once, Narcissa did not seem to mind. The way that the two were reminiscing made her seem younger, even, than Ariadne had ever seen her before. Narcissa laughed even harder at the memory, and Elora responded with a pretend glare, laughing as she did, before changing the subject.

"Now, Narcissa, Twilfitt and Tattings or Madame Malkin's?"

"Let's go to Paris instead, darling." Narcissa responded, slightly upturning her nose at the thought of yet another Diagon Alley trip. "Maison Capenoir?" she suggested instead. Elora nodded with delight and the two women set off for the Floo. Astoria smiled at Ariadne, grabbing her by the arm.

"Come on," she said. "We have some time before Madame Burke's supposed to arrive. You have to tell me about your summer!" She dragged Ariadne out of the foyer.

"Your mum seems nice." Ariadne commented as Astoria lead her to the parlour. Ariadne could have sworn she spotted a television in the living room, but she knew that muggle electronics and magic did not blend well together. By the time they were seated, and Ariadne had finally poured herself some tea, she could not help but voice the question on her mind since she'd arrive.

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