
"Command staff has put together a task force to try and reach out to every aunt, uncle, cousin of anyone involved in the Bembenek trial... Although there's only so much they can do." Antonio explained.

"Hey, Ruzek and Atwater, I need a cell phone rigged up right now," Voight announced, walking into the bullpen.

"What's going on?" Jay asked.

"Sit tight," Voight told him.

"I'm tired of sitting," Jay shouted.

"Sit tight." He repeated.

Antonio, Erin, Ariella, and Jay were standing behind the two-way mirror, in front of the interrogation room where Voight, Al, and Kevin were standing, watching as Adam hooked up the phone, attempting to track it.

"You're never going to be able to trace a call from him. He goes from one drop phone to another. I don't know why you're bothering." JP told him.

"You know what, how about I do my job, you do yours? How about that?" Adam sassed. The phone began ringing, and they all perked up, "Boss." Adam called out. Jay walked out of the "viewing room" and into the interrogation room, shutting the door and standing quietly in the room.

"Hello," JP answered.


"What's up, Shostak? I have something you may want." JP told him.

"I want a lot of things," Shostak answered.


"My understanding is you turned down this contract."

"And I heard they offered you a lot more money than me. I want half." JP demanded.

"Or what?" Shostak challenged.

"Or I let him go. And you better think quick. The dilaudid I pumped into him's going to wear off soon." They were all surprised by how quickly he came up with a lie.

"1/3rd." Shostak bargained.

JP looked over at Jay, who nodded, "Okay. I'll take care of it, I'll bring you a photo for proof." They were all surprised and confused by what Jay was agreeing to do.

"No, no, no, no, no. Just because I'm talking to you doesn't mean I trust you. I want to see him alive." Shostak demanded.

"Deal." JP nodded.

"Highway between Cermak and Kedzie. 30 minutes." Shostak directed.

They all walked out of the interrogation room and back into the bullpen, "There's too many risks." Antonio told him.

"There's always risks," Jay stated, setting his gun and badge on his desk.

"Jay, you'd be in the car with a hitman." Erin reminded him.

"Who's retired, and who we made a deal with." Jay bit back.

"Because that changes everything." Erin nodded.

"We don't know how many people Bembenek wants dead." He shouted, surprising everyone with his outburst. He pushed the chair out of the way in order to get to the board. He slammed his hand on the pictures of the two dead innocent people, "Isn't this enough?" He asked, looking at all of them.

"Sarge. Sarge, I will sign whatever I have to sign saying I went on my own free will, that I wasn't ordered. That'll release the city from all liability. I don't have any beneficiaries anyway. I signed that form the day I graduated from the academy, right before they pinned a badge on my chest." Jay stated.

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