you don't believe me?

Start from the beginning

Noah was also running around the entire room, Sophia following close behind him since she had found out how absolutely untrustworthy he is, and was trying to catch him so he couldn't find Millie.

They were causing quite the scene, bumping into loads of people and splashing countless drinks, but it was important to the both of them to achieve their goals here. 

Noah's being to find Millie, and Sophia's being to keep him as far away from Millie as psychically possible.

He would've told her way earlier, but she had left the outside area immediately to go help with the lights and sounds for the dance party they were having.

Millie and Sadie were completely minding their own business and jumping around together on the dance floor, their girlish laughs audible to only each other as they enjoyed the music that was being played.

The music wasn't too loud, so it was quiet enough to not mask the sound of Noah stepping on a table cloth from running too fast and somehow knocking the personalized cake topper statue of David and Lori right off the table and onto the hard ground. 

Everybody immediately turned their heads at the sound, looking over to Noah who had a horrified look on his face. Along with Sophia, who immediately loosened her once firm grip on the back of his shirt before slowly walking away from the scene in attempt to not take any of the blame. 

He cleared his throat, straightening his jacket slightly as he avoided looking down at the shattered cake ornament on the ground. "I'm, um, I'm sure Sophia is really sorry." 

"Speaking of Sophia actually, I've got a piece of information that some people here might-" 

"Shut up, Noah!" Sadie grumbled, causing him to awkwardly look down. "Right, sorry." 

Millie walked passed Sadie, going closer to Noah and getting a better look of the shattered item on the floor. "It's, um, It's going to be okay. We can just... glue it back together and-" 

"There's no saving that." Noah winced when Millie punched him in the arm, causing him to finally get the hint to shut up and not say anything for a bit. 

"Okay, um, Noah and I will just... go get some stuff to clean up." the brown eyed girl mumbled, gesturing her friend to the door and leading them outside. 

They shyly walked out of the studio building, attempting to brush off the stares they were intensly getting. "What the hell was that!?"

"I'm sorry, Millie. I just had to-"

"I just don't understand! All we asked of you is to act civil for at least one night and you're running around like a little child and knocking things off tables!?" She put her hands on her temples.


"Today was a really important day to Sadie. You can't hold off your immaturity for one day just so you can-"

"Millie! Listen to me, for the love of god!" he cut her off in frustration, causing her to cross her arms since she was honestly curious to hear what kind of excuse he was going to give her to this time. 

"I'm listening, but if it's some lame excuse I'm-"

"Sophia went online and pretended to be you to this random guy named Finn but he also happened to be Sadie's old childhood friend and so she invited him to the wedding and that's why she freaked out and said something about beef cakes earlier because he was in the hotel and she didn't want you to find out so she-"

"Slow. down." She cut him off sternly, staring at him as he tried to catch his breath from all the words he just blurted out.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to tell you but she told me not to and you and Sadie weren't listening and I didn't know what to do."

"Seriously? That- that was what you came up with?" she questioned bitterly, shaking her head at how shallow she thinks he is for ruining the day they worked so hard on and coming up with an excuse like that.

"You don't believe me?"

"I mean, how could I?" she sarcastically laughed "You do this all the time."

He furrowed his eyebrows slightly in offensive, his lips parting as he watched her. "This is just what you do. You hardly ever show up, and when you do you're usually late and then you just sit back and watch as everyone does all the work. And now look at what you're doing. You're caught up in your own life and your own problems on the one really important day to our best friend?"

"So let me get one thing straight, I've known you almost my entire life, yet the one time I'm telling you about Sophia who you've only known for a few months you believe her over me? That's not fair, Millie."

"What isn't fair is that Sadie and I are the only people who actually put work into this friendship." She snapped, his heart sinking at the things she was saying that she had to have been thinking a long time before this.

He shrugged. "Well, if you really think those things about me then I honestly don't even know why you're still friends with me." 

"Right back at you." Millie replied, watching as he slowly nodded before taking his time to turn around and start to walk off. 

She took a deep breath, trying her hardest to contain herself before she wiped away the single tear that had fallen down her face so it was no longer visible.

God, this day couldn't get any fucking worse. And it isn't even over yet. 

She slowly walked back into the building, happy to see that people had mostly moved on from the giant shattering of a cake topper, and they were mostly back to casually swaying to the music.

Millie sighed, feeling a million different emotions at once.

She shook her head, refusing to let any of her sadness ruin the night that she needs to make perfect for her best friend.

She let the music fill her head contently, trying to drown out all of her other thoughts.

'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars

She turned around on her feet, accidentally bumping into someone in the process.

I think I saw you

She looked up to them, meeting their chocolate colored eyes as she swore her heart skipped a beat at how truly beautiful they were.

And the both of them had two separate thoughts that were almost exactly the same in a way.

That is the hottest guy I have ever seen

She's even prettier in person

His gaze softened, getting lost in her sparkling brown eyes that were nearly the same color as his. All he could do in that moment was let a small smile fall upon his face as one word escaped through his lips that he has been dying to say out loud again.




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