Start from the beginning

     "I can see that. Where you going?" Jughead questioned, a brow arched. Sweet Pea sent him an annoyed look, pulling him from his seat and starting to shove him out of the trailer.

     "Out. Which is where you're going too. Bye." The door smacked close and locked behind Jughead, leaving the beanie wearing boy confused.

     Finally, Sweet Pea could refocus his attention on to getting ready.


     Harley's feet tapped against the ground nervously, her eyes slipping to the entrance of the Chocklit Shoppe every third seconds. Her fingers repeatedly tapped the counter top, so much so that a few customers were growing annoyed.

     When the bell chimed, she excitedly looked that way, but to her disappointment, it wasn't Sweet Pea, but instead some old man she didn't remember who even was. She greeted him with a friendly smile still, taking his order. The man slowly edged towards a booth after ordering, sliding in quite smoothly despite his slow movements. Harley smiled at him once again when he glanced over, appreacing his cuteness. He had tipped her.

     The familiar rumble of a motorcycle interrupted the chatter and soft music playing in the background. Harley's eyes immediately locked with the see through door, a grin spreading across her face when his familiar tall self got off the motorcycle. Harley could feel excitement bubble inside of her. She couldn't recall ever feeling this excited to see one single person before.

Sweet Pea felt the same way. He almost tripped on his way into the Chocklit Shoppe, clumsily regaining balance, praying that no one had seen it. The bell chimed loudly when he entered, but no one other than Harley seemed to notice his presence. She shot him a smirk, waiting for him to come over.

He looked around, silently hoping that the customers would leave so that he could have her all to himself. "When're you getting off?" He questioned, letting his eyes slip back to her. She shrugged, checking the clock on the wall.

"Usually these types of shifts lasts all night, but Pop's told me to close up at eleven thirty pm.¨ Harley informed lazily pulling a damp rag over the counter top, wiping away some whipped cream she had spilled previously.

Sweet Pea nodded, awkwardly letting his gaze slip over the nearly empty diner. The only ones there was some teenagers he could actually recall having seen before, probably from school, and an elderly couple that was happily conversing, sharing a tray of fries and a beaming pink strawberry milkshake topped with fluffy whipped cream and a small strawberry.

     Sweet Pea couldn't fight the small smile slipping across his usually grumpy face at the sight of the pair. They smiled at each other, and the look in their eyes when they talked to one another resembled the ones of newly wed, or someone absolutely stupidly crazy in love with someone.

     Though he would probably never admit it, one of his biggest goals and dreams in life was just that. Falling inlove, marrying, maybe having children ( he wasn't too sure yet, they could be annoying little creatures ) and eventually growing old together. Sure, it all sounded cliche and cheesy, but it also sounded like an happy ending. And Sweet Pea really wanted one.

Growing up wasn't exactly a walk in the park for him. Both his parents were absent most of his life. When he was six, his mother packed up and left, never looking back. His father was a good man, and he had an important role as FP's right hand man in the Southside Serpents, but he went down the wrong path eventually, and it finally ended with him leaving too, but of course made sure that Sweet Pea was taken care of.

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