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Ahsoka walked quickly, pausing occasionally to feel for Asajj. Asajj must've felt her presence, and occasionally sent out a little ripple in the force. The closer Ahsoka got, the stronger the ripple felt. Like a game of hot and cold. 

Cautiously, she tried to hone in on Asajj's location, but the complex was foreign to her. A few wrong turns, a couple close calls. Two more to the body count. Ahsoka stopped in a shady alcove, panting. Her chapped and burned lekku ached as she tipped her head back against the durasteel. Her muscles burned. In the six months since she had left the order and her... more unhealthy habits without her husband, her muscle mass had waned from the strain of military life to that of a healthy civilian's. 

Even though it had been a while, Ahsoka couldn't deny that she had missed some aspects of military life. Not jedi life. Military life. She missed the chase. The single minded goal to either find something or destroy everything. Fighting with her men, not just Rex. All of her men, side by side. The feeling that when things were at their worst, she was at her best. 

Ahsoka realized, with a jolt, that as much as she had enjoyed civilian life, it wasn't meant for her. Her place was fighting for what's right. For the civilians. 

Rest time over. She had to move. 

Carefully, she  made her way down the hall. She was getting close. She could feel it. Asajj's ripples in the the force became as sharp as whipsnaps. She closed her eyes, trying to feel where they were. No more ripples came, and it seemed like Asajj was right next to her. Just out of reach. She frowned, gripping her stolen blaster tightly. She nearly jumped out of her skin when a dry voice rasped from her right.

"Hey Commander. Don't forget to look with your eyes too." A familiar voice. Like the one she so often heard over holocomm. She relaxed instantly. 

"F-er..." She refrained from saying his name as she ran over. Fives chuckled.

"Quintus." He whispered. Ahsoka grinned. Quintus meant Five in protobasic. Ahsoka nodded. 

"Hold on. Let me..." She trailed off as she recognized the third member of the crew. Ahsoka opened the cell and raised it to point at the male Kiffar leaning casually in the corner, twirling a durasteel knife between his fingers lazily. He tilted his head in greeting, to which Ahsoka replied by flicking the safety off on the blaster. "Master jedi Vos? I was... unaware that you would be here."

Fives growled. "Yeah, I wasn't happy about that either." 

Without taking her eyes off Vos she tossed her extra two side arms to Asajj and Fives. Vos sighed, slipping the knife back into the sheath on his hip. "Padawan Tano. I heard rumors that you had left the order. Chewed out the council spectacularly while you were at it." 

Slowly, Ahsoka lowered her blaster. "They abandoned me and tried to kill somebody I was close to. They tried to accuse my master of treason for standing with me." She shook her head. "The jedi order has fallen. I just wish I could do something to let them see their folly. To make them change before everything they built crumbles." She pressed her lips together. The alarm blared louder in the distance.

"Are you going to rant again or actually get us out, M'leata?" Asajj asked. The coldness in her voice was countered by the term of endearment. Ahsoka tilted her head. 

"The first. Let's go." She said. A flicker of danger in the force alerted her to the two guards behind her made their presence known. 

"Hold it right there, jedi." A pyke snarled. Ahsoka sighed. "Turn around, slowly. Blaster on the ground." Ahsoka complied, keeping her wrists close together to hide the detonator controls on her inner bracer. "You've given us quite the wild bantha chase, haven't you. You think you're so smart, changing back through alcoves and ventshafts." He rambled, pointing his blaster at her. "I bet you-"

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