Territory And Main Prey

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Territory - AdeliteClan resides in Caves below the surface of the earth. Above their camp within' the caverns, Their territory is thickly forested, with many pines and oaks. The climate is rather moderate, as they reside in the snowy Forests of Sweden. Found in many parts of AdeliteClan's territory, Outcroppings of rock and boulders mark many more ideal cave systems. In the a Stream rips through the Territory on one side of the Forest, and a Small, Abandoned ThunderPath on the other.

Prey - European Beaver ,Eurasian Red, Squirrel, Hazel Dormouse, Northern Birch Mouse, Water Vole, Bank Vole, Grey Red-Backed Vole, Northern Red-backed Vole Norway lemming, Field Vole, Tundra Vole, Wood Lemming, Yellow-necked Mouse, Wood mouse, Harvest Mouse, European Rabbit, European Hare, Mountain Hare, Eurasian Water Shrew, Common Shrew, Laxmann's Shrew, Taiga Shrew, Eurasian Least Shrew, Eurasian Pygmy Shrew

Predators - Eurasian Lynx, Arctic Fox, Red Fox, Grey Wolf, Brown Bear, Stoat, Least Weasel, European Polecat, Pine Marten, Wolverine, Eurasian Badger, European Otter, Grey Seal, Common Seal, Ringed Seal, Wild Boar.

Main Cat Breeds - Swedish Forest Cats, Norwegian Forest Cats, Maine Coon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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