Hero Complex (6)

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A day passed without Qixi and Alvitr seeing each other again, and then a week.

Soon, a week became two, and then three.

A month passed.

Qixi was busy catching up on all the dramas she had missed during her time as a poor System still looking for a host when Alvitr suddenly barged in, looking rather haggard.

My, my. Look who finally decided to put his pride aside and come begging to his ancestor!

[Whatever is the reason for Your Grace the Vampire to show up to my humble abode, in such a rush, no less?]

"What did you put in that blood you gave me?"

Alvitr was incensed, but the hunger was taking over. Previously, he was satisfied with sating himself with the mediocre blood of the residents of nearby villagers. However, the blood that this little demon provided him....

The blood was clearly of a different grade. It had a clean flavor and left no bad aftertaste. If the blood Alvitr originally drank was human blood, the blood his System provided was ichor. Simply put, it was of such high quality that Alvitr just couldn't drink the crude blood he had been drinking anymore.

He had tried and tried to swallow down his regular blood, but even his stomach rejected it. He ended up vomiting it out every time. Because he hadn't been able to get any sustenance for a month, Alvitr was now starving.

[Ohoho, what could you be talking about? You mean that liquid I gave you that you spat out onto the floor?]

"Yes, yes, give it to me! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! Please, I'm begging you!"

At this point, Alvitr was obviously not in a normal state of mind. His teeth and fingernails were growing longer, and he was panting in exertion.

Oh shit, is he okay? What's happening to him? I don't want him to die!

[Here, here! Take this! Are you okay?! Please don't die on me!]

Qixi shoved a packet of faux blood to Alvitr. Tensed up, Alvitr grabbed it with shaking hands and greedily gulped it down, releasing his tensed muscles once all the blood was emptied into his stomach, after which he promptly collapsed into a deep sleep.

Damn, what the hell just happened? That was too fast. Was he too hungry or something? Is he in a food coma now?

Wait just one goddamn second! I know what this scene is supposed to be! This should be the scene where the hungry vampire male lead meets the sweet smelling female lead and takes a liking to her blood! And then, he becomes addicted to her prime quality blood, rendering him unable to leave her! Then, the typical harlequin romance unfolds!

Is the female lead of this novel my blood bags? I mean, that's what it looks like....

It's fresh, I guess. And not really any of my business. Well, time to get back to my dramas!

Qixi got cozy in her blanket nest and opened up her streaming service yet again.

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