i. an angel's diary

ابدأ من البداية

Evangeline realized the entire hall must have heard the last declaration, because suddenly the Hat was being lifted from her head and her light blue uniform was replaced with black and blue robes. Her eyebrows shot up at the unfamiliarly dark colors.

This is nice.

A table to her right, filled with adolescent bodies adorned in identical robes, was looking expectantly at her. Some held expressions of intrigue, others bored, and others wary. Then her scanning gaze came to rest on one expression.

Her blue eyes looked lifeless under her heavy eyelashes as they drooped towards her empty plate. Skin that seemed to be as fragile as a layer of thin ice glazed over her face with a pale, unforgiving gloom.

Evangeline found herself standing less than a foot from where the despondent girl was slouching into herself.


"Move," Evangeline said resignedly.

The girl's eyes snapped up to meet the eyes of the speaker who had interrupted her peaceful demise. Her brows furrowed before she slid over to make space, allowing her robes to audibly scrape against the bench as she did so.

The half-angel slipped into the seat and tried to focus on the remaining of the Sorting. She had been the only fifth year getting sorted, but she hoped there wouldn't be too many questions because she had made a point of wearing a Beauxbatons uniform.

She felt a pair of tired blue eyes resting on her. Evangeline allowed her own grey irises to return the blank stare.

"You shouldn't sit with me," The girl spoke, but the words barely seemed to leave her lips, as though they were clinging onto a last breath.

"Why not?"

"They'll make fun of you."


"Stop asking questions. Just leave."

"Stop telling me what to do."

"You act like a child."

Evangeline's eyes narrowed.

"Who makes fun of you?"

"I said they'd make fun of you."

"I know."

She looked highly offended. "Leave."

You're quite annoying.

She sunk her gaze deeper into the other girl's eyes. They were wet. Evangeline blinked. The girl who had seemed so emotionless only seconds before now had a ruptured dam of emotions swimming visibly in her eyes.

And it was for this reason that she nodded and said "okay" before abandoning her unwarmed seat to find another. She didn't get farther than a few feet, however, before a shrill sound pierced the air behind her.

"Myrtle! Are you crying?"

The voice was taunting and singsongy in the most vile way possible. Like the raking of nails against chalkboard, or the screeching of a thousand vultures in the absence of death.


Evangeline's strawberry-tinted locks whipped around her in an infernal halo as she wheeled back around to locate the cause of her ears' suffering. Her scanning eyes found a blonde with a toothy grin who was clutching her stomach and cackling as though a weeping schoolgirl was the funniest thing she had ever encountered.

"Look at that! The little baby is crying! Cryba-" The blonde's almond-shaped eyes widened to the size of Bludgers as everyone watched her lips suddenly begin to close themselves in a manner reminiscent of envelopes. A devilish smirk pushed at Evangeline's jaws as a wax seal melded itself onto the blonde's mouth.

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