📚After-School Studies📚

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You look both ways across the street, passing once it was safe. Okuyasu leaves after waving goodbye to Josuke; and he continues to sit on the edge of a water fountain. You're pretty sure it belongs to the school. You decided to go over to him and apologize. Your mom probably won't mind you being a bit late when getting back home, anyways. As you approached Josuke, your heart starts to race with nervousness.. "H-Hey, i'm sorry about earlier.." you stutter out, trying to sound as kind as possible.

"It's fine." Josuke shrugs. "I know you didn't have bad intentions." He was a bit upset with himself as well, going off on a pretty girl like that for basically no reason. "I just hate it when people try to insult my hair."

"But I wasn't-" you paused, not wanting to make the situation worse. "You know what? Nevermind." You sit down next to him, almost falling into the cold water below. "So why are you sitting here? Shouldn't you be going home? We were assigned work.." 

Josuke sighs. "Honestly, i'd rather be here than at home staring at my console when i'm not allowed to play. I'm already failing most of my classes anyway-"

You cut him off mid-sentence. "Maybe I can help you study!" Damn, you haven't had a real conversation with another kid your age in forever. Maybe you responded a bit too quick, you felt kind of stupid after the response you gave.
The heavy brown backpack on your back was getting unbearable to wear any longer, but you pushed through it to continue the conversation.

Josuke leans over a bit to stare at you, eye to eye. "You sure? I mean, I already know that my mom wouldn't mind me having someone over if it's for school.."

You stop for a moment, staring into his eyes. "𝘏𝘦'𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘤𝘶𝘵𝘦.." you thought to yourself, not hearing what he said due to being so lost within his gaze
"Huh-? S-Sorry! I spaced out!"

Josuke stands up and puts a hand out for you to take. "My mom won't mind me having someone over if it's school related, so we should be fine." He smiles down at you, waiting for you to take his hand. "Come on, (Y/N)!"

You slowly reach out and grab Josuke's soft hand..
He pulls you up off of the edge and into a normal standing position before letting go. 
You quickly notify your mother by text that you'll be going to a friend's house to study. 
He starts walking down the concrete sidewalk. You follow a bit behind, staring down at your black boots as they click against the ground.
No conversation is exchanged during the way there, it was a bit awkward actually.


You arrive shortly after at his house. Tomoko opens the door the second she heard you and Josuke arrive. "Hello- Ah, you must be (Y/N)!" 

You nod with a smile, not knowing what to say.

"I won't distract you two any longer, go get to work!" 

You step inside his house. It was really nice and neat inside.. you stand in the living room until given further instructions. 

"and Josuke." His mom looks at him before stepping inside


You were both startled by her yell, Josuke seemed a bit used to it though.

"A-Alright mom! 𝘎𝘦𝘦𝘻.." Josuke walks into the same room as you, staring down at his video games before tilting his head to the side and telling you to follow. It was obvious that he'd much rather be playing than doing school stuff.
Tomoko closes the front door and sits down on the couch.

You both walk into Josuke's room before closing the door. 
You set your backpack down, opening it up and pulling out several sheets of papers with schoolwork on them. Josuke does the same.
There's a desk to the side of his room, but it wasn't big enough for more than one person to sit at, that's for sure.

"Hey.. it doesn't look like there's enough room on the desk for all of our stuff." You say a bit anxiously

Josuke puts his hands behind his head, being careful and making sure he doesn't mess up his hair at all. "Well.. we can just sit on my bed, then."

His bed? You never had the thought of even ever being in a guy's house; let alone hang out in his room. But you really had no other choice. You promised you would help Josuke with his work. You can't just get up and leave now.

"I- okay!" You hastily sat down on his bed, setting your work down to the right side of you.

Josuke does the same, except sets his work to the left to avoid confusion and not get the papers mixed up. He immediately begins to work on the first thing he grabbed, looking far from concentrated. It was almost like Josuke was just trying to seem smart in the moment to impress you. 

"(Y/N).. I have no idea how to do this work, if i'm being honest-" Josuke says, embarassed. "I'm terrible at almost every subject except-"

You cut him off mid-sentence. "Hey, it's alright. That's what i'm here for. To help you with these shitty papers!"

Josuke smiles, holding back laughter. "Yeah, I guess I should try being less stupid for once."

"You are NOT stupid!" You jokingly elbow his arm

"Hah. Well, if anyone is actually stupid.." Josuke leans in a bit closer. "..it's Okuyasu."

You both burst out laughing at that. "You shouldn't be rude to your friend like that, Josuke!"

"Whatever, it's not like he doesn't already know the fact that it's true~" Josuke said before grabbing a few more papers, trying to make sense of them. 

You gently grab the papers from his hands, moving all of the work to the middle so they could easily be reached by both of you. "Here. Let's get through them together." 


After two or so hours, ALMOST all of your work is done. (Even though you did most of it, but you didn't mind all that much.) You realize Josuke had crashed on his bed. 
"𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨..?" You thought to yourself. He looks totally out of it, must've been like that for a while. You lay down next to him, not thinking much of it really. 
You lazily hold up your last assignment above your head while laying on your back, trying to work on finishing it, but your eyelids get heavier.. and the sound of Josuke's silent breathing is kind of comforting in a way..

..You eventually fall asleep next to him with the last sheet of paper still in your hand.

(Word Count: 1136)

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