Chapter 2: Welcome to Tidmouth

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Percy returned to the sheds without anyone noticing. He puffed quietly back into his berth, and let Yo out of his cab.

"This is where I live, Yo. Tidmouth Sheds. I live here with all my friends."

Percy was happy for his friends, but he was still worried about telling to the other engines.

Percy was deep in thought as he had the rest of the day off. He couldn't stop think about what Yo had said.

 Why? Why did her mom leave her? She wasn't nai- nai- she wasn't dumb. His crew watched those before, in the movies. A mother left her child all alone and never came back and Yo knew that's what happened to her. It hurts. His heart felt like it was being squeezed and pressed by something heavy.

She just wanted to go back home but now, does she really have a home to go back to?

As Percy was deep in thought, he could hear Yo sobbing uncontrollably. Percy spun around on the turntable, and puffed into his berth.

"Yo? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"Percy, why-- why did Mama and Papa leave me? Do they not love me anymore? Did I do anything wrong? Am I a bad kid? Yeah, maybe I am a bad kid. Maybe I did something that made Mama and Papa leave me."

Percy was speechless!

"Yo! I would never leave you alone again! I won't leave you. I promise."


"Really. I promise!"

As the hours passed. Percy looked down as his driver brushed Yo's bangs out of the way. 

"Crying must've exhausted her. I wonder where the other engines are."

And on cue, the other engines and Sir Topham Hatt came up to Percy.

"Percy is something wrong--" Gordon's eyes diverted to the child as he raised his brow in suspicion, "--why is there a child here? Don't tell me--"

Percy sighed when he saw the look of horror on Gordon's face, "Guys, whatever you're thinking about right now I can assure you none of it is true."

"Then why--"

"Guys, I'll explain."

The engines gathered around the turntable, as Percy continued.

"...and so, I would like to ask you something. I know it's too much but--"

"You wanted to adopt her, right?" Sir Topham Hatt asked.

"Percy, don't look at me like that." Said Thomas. "We've been best friends for so many years now. I already know what you're going to say before you even begin."

Percy was surprised. His driver and fireman signed the adoption papers, and welcomed Yo to their beloved family.

That night, as Percy and the other engines fell asleep; Percy could hear Yo whispering in her sleep.

"Percy, don't leave me..."

Percy could only smile.

"I won't leave you, Yo; I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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