Chapter 1: Percy finds Yo

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It was a rainy Saturday evening on the Island of Sodor, Percy the green engine was delivering the mail. He was just outside of Wellsworth Station, and was preparing to leave with the mail, when he heard sniffling from the alleyway he just passed by.

Percy stopped on his tracks as he chuffed back, squinting to see if there was someone in the alley.

"Hello?" He called out.

Percy  jumped in surprise when one of the boxes moved and a child slowly poked its head out. Shocked that there was a child in the box, Percy's crew immediately walked to the girl as his driver put his umbrella atop of her and the box so they won't get wet from the rain. It wasn't much of a help anyway, as the box was already drenched from the downpour.

The child scooted further into the box, wary of Percy. The little green engine smiled softly at the child, trying to make her warm up to him.

 "Hello, I'm Percy. What's your name?"


"Yo, that's a pretty name. Do you know where your mama is?"

The child just shook her head at Percy's question, "Mama...left me. She told me she'll come back but..." Yo hugged her legs closed to her chest, "she hasn't returned for two days now."

And Percy, was once again, shocked. How could parents just leave their children like this, all alone with no one to take care of them? Percy and his crew felt a mix of emotions washing over them and without thinking.

"We can give you a ride." Offered Percy's driver. "But it will be rather uncomfortable. We can look after you until your Mama picks you up."

"But Mama doesn't know where you live, Percy." 

Percy's fireman had an idea. He took out a pen and a piece of paper from his uniform coat. 

 "We can leave this here for your mama to contact us. Is that okay with you, Yo?"

Yo stared at the card Percy's fireman was extending to her before nodding, slowly crawling out of the box. and that's when Percy and his crew got a good observation of her looks. The child has wavy ashen-hair -though it's really messy right now-- and her eyes kind of remind him of Thomas's. Her clothes were also dirty, especially her cap. The child took a muddy blue backpack from the box before turning to face Percy and his crew.

"You welcome to ride in my cab if you like." Percy puffed. "It may be messy, but it'll keep you nice and warm."

Yo quickly agreed, and hopped into Percy's cab. As Percy left Wellsworth, a thought struck him across his mind.

How will the other engines and Sir Topham Hatt react to this? 

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