Chapter 7 - Dinner With The Father

Começar do início

"I would like a costume that doesnt really break the base design of this" I said letting her examine my body

"I see, I think I can keep to that base"

"Thank you Meli"

"No problem Izu"

We continued talking about upgrades for the rest of the class. When I was on my way back to class I noticed Uraraka seeming kind of in a gloomy mood.

"Hey, Uraraka are you feeling ok?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine"

We continued on with our morning classes till lunch. We walked into the cafeteria and saw that it was indeed tripled in size.

"W-woah this is huge" I said

"You can say that again" Uraraka said

"Well let's get some food so we can be better prepared for afternoon classes" Iida said. We continued on into the lunch lina and took our seats. Not to long after I saw Melissa enter the cafeteria.

"Melissa, Over here!" I called out. Melissa saw where we were and ran over.

"Hey guys! Mind if I sit with you guys?" She asked

"Not at all" Iida said

"I guess" Uraraka said

"I dont mind" I said

"Alright then" Melissa sat down and started eating with us. Every now and then I would think I saw Uraraka giving Melissa a jealous look but when I looked over I ended up forgetting about it. After lunch we continued on with our afternoon classes. When the bell rang for school to end we all got up and left the classroom. I went back to my apartment and got ready for the night. I walked on over to Melissa's building and buzzed her penthouse to let me in, the doors unlocked and I walked in and went up the elevator to her home. I knocked on her door. 'Calm down Izuku, Calm down' I took a deep breath, the door opened shortly after.

"Come one in" David said as he opened the door fully and scooted aside to allow me in. I walked in and took my shoes off at the door with the rest of them.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice" he continued

"Oh it's no problem at all" I said

I walked into the living room and saw Melissa, she immediately sprang up and latched onto me like I was disappearing. We separated from the hug and I got a good look at what she was wearing.

"You look...beautiful" was all I could say

"Th-thank you" she said with a large blush

"Ahem" David cleared his throat "Now, Izuku would you come with me to the kitchen, we will be preparing dinner for the three of us"

"Y-yes sir" I said following him to the kitchen. When I got in he pulled out a bottle of whiskey and 2 shot glasses.

"Izuku, I know that you are not the age to drink but would you care for a drink?" He asked

"It would be rude to say no to your offer after you went through the trouble of getting 2 glasses" I said. He poured the glasses and gave me my glass.



"So your dating my daughter"

"Y-yes sir"

"Cut the sir crap, I give you my blessing to date her and if you ever want to marry her I give you my blessing for that as well" I blushed at the statement he made, "just promise me you'll take care of her"

"I promise"

"Good now we can get cooking" he said grabbing a pot. He told me what we were making and I chuckled a bit as I knew how to make the perfect version. After we finished cooking he told me to go grab Melissa from her room. I walked over to Melissa's room and knocked. When the door opened she yanked me in and started a 3 minute makeout session. I pulled away for air.

"Dinners ready"

"Ok, let's go" she answered pulling me out of her room. We walked into the dining room and we all started to dig in.

"How can you cook so good, Izuki?" She asked after finishing her first bite.

"My mom always worked late during weeks, so on the weekends she taught me how to cook" I answered having a second bite of my food. After dinner I had to ask a question that really needed to be answered.

"Melissa, I was wondering about something"

"What is it izu?"

"Would you be willing to move in with me? I know that you might not want to but my apartment is closer to school and it's too big for me to stay in by myself, because I will get really lonely"

"Of course I would love to, Dad what do you think"

"It's not my place to answer you decide what you want to do with your life" David said looking at me with a wink.

"So I can help you get moving your stuff into boxes this weekend, then you should be moved in by Monday" I said

"Ok, that sounds like a plan, but how will we explain it to your class?"

"We just say that you wanted to stay somewhere closer to school so you moved in with me to do so"

We talked for another hour then I walked back to my apartment, I was surprised that her father was so excepting of our relationship to say the least. I was about to enter my apartment when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey Deku, what's up?" It was Uraraka, but not in her usual bubbly mood.

"Just coming back from eating dinner with my mom, what about you?" I said

"Dont lie, your a horrible liar"

"What do you mean?"

"You were eating dinner with someone else, someone that loves you but not like a son werent you?"

"I dont know what your-"

"DONT LIE!" Uraraka shouted, I stared at her with a worried expression. "I'm sorry, I didnt mean to yell"

"Are...are you okay?" I asked

"I dont know anymore" she said walking away. I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her from walking away.

"If you need someone to talk to you can always talk to me" I stated

"Deku, I... Thanks i will be sure to talk to you soon" and with that she walked away leaving me alone. 'Weird' I thought as I went inside to go and get ready for bed.

Hey guys hope you liked this chapter as much as I did writing it! I just want to let you guys know that I have plans for this book and I intend to get them done.

If you have any ideas for another ship that I should put into this (that dont involve Izuku or Melissa) please feel free to comment

Next chapter: Captured

I'm also departing whether I write little bits of insight for the next chapters. Vote here



Bloom of Secret Love [Up For Adoption/Cancelled]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora