Thank You!

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Hey everyone!

So we finally made it, the end of Double Trouble, and getting into the fourth book of the 38 saga!

Thank you all so much for sticking with me throughout this book getting published, and I hope you'll keep up to date with my books when the fourth book is published. Like always, there will be a sneak peak for next book when I have the official cover art and description. This book was pretty hard to get through because of the little amount of plans I had, but next book I have a lot more so it should be significantly easier.

Oh, and I guess I should mention that we only have 3 books left in the 38 saga... Before the end is upon us :)...  But the 38 saga does have side lore with the alt series connecting in and a two other books that will link in as well. The other two books that link in will be my own, and one of them is already up and running, and you may be familiar with it. It's called Sparky: The Chosen One and it sets the stage for something special to happen in the future. 

Until then however, I'll see you in my other books or I shall see you during the teaser for next book! Thank you for getting this far and reading my book again, and I hope you all have a great day/night! 


PS: Feel free to ask any questions here or in PMs! Theories about future events are also welcome! 

Double Trouble ~38 Saga's Kids Book (Book 3.5)~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora