Chapter 3

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-2 years later-

-Octavia's POV-

Me and my brother are five and a half now. For the last two years, Mummy and Daddy have been going out somewhere in special outfits and leaving us with our Nanna and Grandad. It's fun being with them, but I sometimes miss mummy and daddy as they could be gone for days and then come back. Right now is kind of like that.

"Nanna, where is Mummy and Daddy?" I ask, wanting to play with them. Orion was playing with a toy keyboard and I had been drawing until I stopped to ask my question. "They are out right now Ava, they'll be back soon and you'll find out why they go out when you are older. Why don't you go do some drawing whilst you wait." "Ok." I make a sad face and go back to the table, climbing onto the chair and then returning to drawing. In front of me were pictures of axolotls, sloths and bees, my favourite animals and the ones I had been trying to draw. I also liked colourful flowers. Taking out a couple of pencils, I draw as best as I can and try to not think about mummy and daddy not being here. Half an hour passes, and I had filled two sheets of paper with drawings and doodles. I'm about to start my third when the door opens, and in comes Daddy, holding Mummy up with one of his arms, and the free hand holding hers. They looked hurt and instead of running up to them as I usually did, I just looked at them confused. "Daddy, what's wrong with Mummy?" He takes her to the couch in the living room before lifting me and Orion up and taking us to one of the rooms upstairs. 

"Mummy is hurt right now, you two need to stay up here, understand?" Nodding, we watch our Daddy run back down stairs to go help Mummy. As I went further into our room, I go find some crayons and some paper to draw. Conveniently, there was some in the corner, but as I went to ask Orion if he wanted to draw with me, I noticed him sat on the top stair, probably listening into what was going on. "Daddy said to stay up here Orion." I tell him. "I am Octavia, I just wanna know what went on." I bring my drawing stuff to where he was and draw whilst listening in as well.

"Cora, you need to be more careful! You may have basically been to hell and back before during missions, it doesn't mean you can run in head first and take risky moves!" "I'd listen to Tobias if I was you honey." "Dad, I'm a grown up and can handle myself, besides its only a cut on my palm and an injury on my left arm, I've gone through worse." "What happened if you died again? Diamond wouldn't be here to save you, you would be gone forever. Please be more careful." "Ok Tobias, I'll try." We hear footsteps and run to our room, acting as if we heard nothing. "Kids, it's time to go home now." "Ok Daddy. Look what I made!" I show him my paper and he smiles, telling me it's good before picking me and Orion up, and taking us out of the house. "Bye Nanna and Grandad!" Me and Orion say before heading to the train station with Mummy and Daddy.

On the train after we got on, I took out my drawing again and continued it. It wasn't the best, but it was something I loved to do. Besides, Daddy said I would get better when I got older. We did talk on the way home, but I didn't really say much as I was drawing like I always did. But why did Mummy and Daddy argue with Grandad about something, and where did they keep going?

A.N: Double update today, pog! Once again, this is another one of those chapters where it's character development of one of the kids. Next chapter will be more school based and some character development for Orion. (Scrap that, I want Orion to have a chapter about music when he can learn actual guitar, so next chapter is actually gonna be something else)

Now, we are getting closer to Christmas, so there will be a Christmas special where it is the full family all celebrating, including the Squid Sisters, Off the Hook and any other family member in this crazy family tree. Lets say it'll be a two part Christmas special. After that, we'll be getting into the more exciting content--splatfest? Maybe. Kids basically becoming detectives? Possibly. Parts of other characters lives? Opportunities have shown themselves. I've really enjoyed getting back into this book, and I'm excited to get into some of the later chapters as they are full of great ideas. I hope you guys are enjoying this just as much as I am! Now, I hope you all have a great day/night! -Catalyst

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