
| RICK |

I shoot the lock on the facility and bang my gun against the door to attract any walkers within hearing range. Two slowly creep toward us and Michonne steps up before any one else can to put her swords through their faces. Once they fall to the ground dead we drag their bodies outside in a pile far closer to the street and leave them there.

Upon entering the facility I notice it's almost immaculate, save for the writing on a door that says, "Do not enter. Dead inside". I share a look with Abraham and Glenn. We didn't come all the way here just to be scared off by a warning sign, and I can tell by the expressions on their faces that they believe the same. I rip the rusted locks off the door, quickly kick them open, all of us expecting the worst. And we are right to.

All at once three walkers tackle me to the ground, growling and drool falling from a foul dirty mouth. The weight of them causes me to initially panic. My gun fell somewhere beside me during the fall, thankfully Michonne reacts within a second and drives her swords into each head to kill them. Blood from her actions spills onto my face but I guess I can't complain. It was either get eaten or eat some blood. I know which option I'd choose.

Abraham helps me to my feet, and we carry on. Down a long hallway we move quickly, clearing out the office rooms first which turn out to be an easy feat. We find little to no supplies in those rooms, only a couple of unopened medical equipment that might be useful in the future. The building itself is so small that there is only one ICU room and two examination rooms. To my disappointment they've already been raided and left bare with nothing else besides three beds and some old charts and clothes. But my disappointment is short-lived when Glenn points out a door that I had missed, one that led underground.

Maybe there's another something down there? A surgery room or something? I don't care, I just know we have to check it out.

Out of nowhere a girl emerges from it - not a walker, surprisingly. Just a girl with a gun that she holds to Abraham's head. The ex-soldier freezes, all of us do...until our instincts kick in and we all aim our guns at her in return. She doesn't even flinch. "Who are you?" The girl demands fiercely. She looks to be only young, probably as young as Beth. "Tell me who you are!"

Not wanting to provoke her, I'm the first to speak, "The names Rick Grimes. These here are my friends Glenn, Bob, Michonne, Rosita and the one you've got your gun to is Abraham."

"Yeah you mind lowering the gun girl?" Abraham's tone is hard, clearly not impressed with her.

I decide to jump in before she decides she isn't impressed with him either. "Look we don't want any trouble. We certainly don't want to cause you any harm." I lower my gun, indicating for the rest of them to follow. To trust me. At that her face softens a little. "We have a friend who is badly injured and in need of medical assistance. If you're willing to let us stay here for a while, I'm willing to make a deal."

"What kind of deal?" She narrows her eyes at me.

"We have quite a bit of weapons and food, we could trade. Also we have enough members to do supply runs everyday should we need to."

The girl thinks over the offer for a while before slowly agreeing. She lowers her gun and holds a hand out to me. "I'm Harley." I shake her hand.

"So I take it you have what we need then?" I ask.

Harley turns her back on us to go through the door we'd left unchecked, and calls over her shoulder, "Come see for yourself."


| BETH |

Soon Rick and the others return to get Daryl and take him inside. I immediately assume the place is safe and bring Judith in too, with Molly holding on to my leg. On our way in Glenn mentions that there are two more people in there, one by the name of Harley, and I am eager to meet her.

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