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After the end of each session, the students in the exam are very busy, especially the candidates with better rankings will receive a bunch of invitations, and then everyone will gather together to discuss the exam questions for the temple exam.

The test questions of Dajin’s palace exams have always been pragmatic, and sometimes your majesty is happy, and some more complex math problems will be produced. Candidates who are not good at counting and whose mentality is not stable enough after the exam are finished. , Can sit down and cry.

Hua Changkong spent less time in the capital. Several friends worried that he didn’t understand what he needed to pay attention to during the palace test. He called him on purpose, and squatted in the beautiful garden with the beautiful family in the capital, all day long. How to express yourself perfectly in the hall test.

Yao Songbai and Hua Changkong are the best-ranked students among these candidates, so when reviewing the books, if there is a divergence in understanding, they will draw two people to discuss together.

However, in just a few days, Hua Changkong and these people are called brothers and brothers, and the relationship is so good that they can make fun of each other.

"I can take the exam this time, it is already blessed by the eighteen generations of ancestors." The speaker was a young son of the Dukes' Palace. He lay lazily on the recliner and listened to the chatter of his friends and yawned. " A few days ago, I bowed to Lin's son and invited him to review the book with us, but he refused."

"They are the son of Zhuang Yuanlang, who can recite poems at the age of two, can write at the age of three, and can write lyrics at the age of five. Naturally, they are different from us." Another son said, "Is it with our dudes all day long? Dragged him to study."

"Changkong is still the member of this session, and the shelf is not as big as him." The young man of the Duke's House sat up and put the book aside. "Looking at him like this, it is very tall."

Candidates from the same year will be more sentimental than others if they enter the officialdom. The people who can study in this other academy are all juniors with status and status in the capital. They get together not only to review books, but also to be a family friendship.

Lin Sen’s rejection of his offer was almost equivalent to his disdain for dealing with them.

This makes the next placard how to hold on to the face.

"The two of you are hiding here and being lazy." Yao Songbai beckoned to the two of them. "Come and cast the pot. If anyone can't vote correctly, come back to memorize a paragraph and write a poem."

"Come and come." Hua Changkong also waved at the two of them. "I won't take part in throwing pots, lest you say I bully people."

As soon as these words came out, the sons all refuted Hua Changkong, but after they saw Hua Changkong ten shots and ten middle schools, they were silent.

"Hua Xiong, you can obviously rely on your inability to eat, why do you want to grab a place with our literati." Yao Songbai pretends to be sad and patted Hua Changkong's shoulder, "Is it not good to leave us a way of living?"

"No way." Hua Changkong sighed regretfully, "I don't have a good exam, I will go home and let the little girl keep it."

Everyone burst into laughter at once, and the family of a family of two princes, two sons, and a master of the county, only the poor child of Hua Changkong, who had no product and no prince. If he failed the exam, it was really possible to go home and let his sister raise.

After everyone laughed, a young man blushed and invited Hua Changkong to the corner: "Brother Hua, don't you know that my sister can have a match?"

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